ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Prof. Susanta Kumar Paikray


Qualification :

  1. Ph.D (Mathematics), 2010, awarded from Berhampur University.
  2. M. Phil. (Mathematics), 2000, awarded from Ravenshaw (Auto) college, Utkal University.
  3. M. Sc. (Mathematics) from Ravenshaw (Auto) college, Utkal University, 1998 having 1st class 1st.
  4. B. Sc. (Hons. Mathematics), 1996, Utkal University having 1st class & Distinction.

Specialization : Summability Theory, Fourier Series, Operations Research, Graph Theory.

  1. Ph.D (Mathematics), 2010, awarded from Berhampur University.
  2. M. Phil. (Mathematics), 2000, awarded from Ravenshaw (Auto) college, Utkal University.
  3. M. Sc. (Mathematics) from Ravenshaw (Auto) college, Utkal University, 1998 having 1st class 1st.
  4. B. Sc. (Hons. Mathematics), 1996, Utkal University having 1st class & Distinction.

Summability Theory, Fourier Series, Operations Research, Graph Theory.

  1. Professor in Mathematics, VSSUT, Burla (Oct. 2019 to till date)
  2. Associate Professor in Mathematics, VSSUT, Burla (Oct. 2016 to Oct. 2019)
  3. Reader (Asst. Prof. Stage-III) in Mathematics, VSSUT, Burla (April 2014 to Oct. 2016)
  4. Lecturer in Mathematics, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack (2011 – 2014)
  5. Worked as a lecturer in Mathematics, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack (2011 - 2014)
  6. Lecturer, Asst. Professor and Professor of Mathematics, Dhaneswar Rath Institute of Engineering and Management Studies (DRIEMS) (2000-2011).

Graduate Level : Engineering Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Complex Analysis, Matrix Algebra.
Post Graduate Level : Operations Research, Fourier Series, Graph Theory, Discrete Mathematics

Summability Theory & Fourier Series; Operations Research (Inventory Control)

Ph. D. Candidates : Awarded - 13; Ongoing - 06
M. Tech. Candidates : M. Phil. - 14; M. Sc.- 35
  1. Received Best paper award; International ConferenceICITAM-19, 2019, Haldia, West Bengal
  2. Received Young Scientist award; International Conference GAM-19, AIGS, Banralore,2019
  3. Awarded as a best participant in attending a refresher course in Sambalpur University, January, 2014
  4. Stood 1st class 1st in M. Sc from Ravenshaw University, 1998
  1. Life Member Odisha Mathematical Society – 561/10
  2. Life Member ISTE-LM 5655
Life Member IndianMathematical Society
  1. Project Title: Degree of Approximation by product - summability of Fourier series of a function belonging to Lipschitz class (Seed grant received in July 2016 from VSSUT, Burla, and completed in 2017)

International Publications

  1. S. K Patra, S. K Paikray, H. Dutta, An inventory model under power pattern demand having trade credit facility and preservation technology investment with completely backlogged shortages, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Doi: 10.3934/jimo.2024020 (In Press; Feb 2024; SCI & SCOPUS),ISSN: 1547-1816/ 1553-166X ; Pub: American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (vol 20; 1-28), I.F-1.2
  2. J Sahoo, BB Jena, SK Paikray, On Strong Summability of The Fourier Series via Deferred Riesz Mean, Problemy Analiza-Issues of Analysis, Vol. 13, No. 2, June, 2024, pp. 128-143, ISSN 2306-3432 (online), 2306-3424 (print),Petrozavodsk State University(SCOPUS, ESCI), I.F-0.4
  3. P. Parida, S. K. Paikray B.B. Jena, Statistical Deferred Weighted Riemann Summability and Fuzzy Approximation Theorems, Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis, vol. 21(1), 2024, 327-345, ISSN: 2423-3900, IF 0.66 (SCOPUS); Pbs. University of Maragheh (SCOPUS, ESCI)
  4. S. K. Patra, S.K.Paikray, R. M. Tripathy, A Retailer's Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items under Power Pattern Demand with Shortages Partially Backlogged in both Crisp and Fuzzy Environments, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Doi:10.1504/IJISE.2023.10059117; ISSN No. 1748-5045/ 1748-5037 (In Press; 2024; SCOPUS); Pub: Inder Science Publishers (vol. 46)
  5. B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, M. Mursaleen, On statistical Riemann-Stieltjes integrablility and deferred Ces`aro summability, Contemporary Mathematics, Manuscript ID: cm-2466, Pub: Universal Wiser Publisher (UWP)I.F. 0.7(SCOPUS, ESCI)
  6. H. Dutta, N. P. Pahari, BB Jena, SK Paikray, On Certain Statistical Convergence Criteria for Martingale Sequences via Deferred Ces`aro Mean with Some Applications, Journal of Nepal Mathematical Society (JNMS), Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2024 (July): pp. 40-60, ISSN: 2616-0153 (Print), 2616-0161 (Online)
  7. B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, M. Mursaleen, Uniform convergence of Fourier series via deferred Cesàro mean and its applications, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 46, pp. 5286--5298, 2023, ISSN: 0170-4214 / 1099-1476, I.F – 1.18, UGC Jr. No- 4042 (43/339),Pub: Wiley, Hoboken, USA (SCI & SCOPUS) I.F. 3.007
  8. B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, M. Mursaleen, On the degree of approximation of Fourier series based on a certain class of product deferred summability means, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2023, pp. 1–13, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13660-023-02927-z, ISSN- 1029-242X,UGC Jr. No- 28634 (56/135)- In Press (SCI & SCOPUS), I.F. 2.02; Pub: Springer
  9. B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, A new approach to statistical Riemann-Stieltjes integrals, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 24 (2) 2023, pp. 789-803, 2022, ISSN: 1787-2405, I.F. 0.67, Pub: Miskolc University Press, Hungary (2023, SCI & SCOPUS)
  10. Smita Sonker, N. Devi, B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Approximation and simulation of signals via harmonic Banach summable factors of Fourier series, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 46, pp. 13411–13422, 2023, ISSN: 1099 – 1476, I.F – 1.18, UGC Jr. No- 4042 (43/339),Wiley (SCI & SCOPUS) I.F. 3.007
  11. H. M. Srivastava, B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, A Certain Class of Equi-Statistical Convergence in the Sense of the Deferred Power-Series Method, AXIOMS, 12 (10), 2023, pp. 1-19, ISSN: 2075-1680, I.F. 1.82, Pub: MDPI,Switzerland (SCI & SCOPUS)
  12. P. Parida, B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, A new approach to Korovkin-type theorems based on deferred Nörlundsummability mean, Annals of the University of Craiova-Mathematics and Computer Science Series, vol. 50 (2) 2023, pp. 302-312, ISSN: 1223-6934, IF 1.0 (SCOPUS; ESCI); Pbs. University of Craiova, Romania
  13. P. K. Pattanaik, P. Parida, S. K. Paikray, A Local Properties of Fourier Series via Deferred Riesz Mean, Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat. (BSPM; Boletim Sociedade Paranaense De Matematica), vol. 41, pp. 1–7, 2023, ISSN-2175-1188 (on line), ISSN-0037-8712 doi:10.5269/bspm.62309, www.spm.uem.br/bspm,UGC Jr. No- 15087 (UGC-251/339) (SCOPUS; ESCI), Pub: Soc Paranaense Matematica, Brazil; IF-0.39
  14. D. K. Nayak, S. K. Paikray, A.K. Sahoo, A fuzzy EOQ model for deteriorating items having time dependent demand under partially backlogged shortages, Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, vol. 26 (3), 2023, pp. 269-290, Pub: Published By Jangjeon Mathematical Society, ISSN: 2508-7916 / 1598-7264 (SCOPUS)
  15. B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray and H. Dutta, Statistically Riemann integrable and summable sequence of functions via deferred Cesaro mean on various new concepts of statistical convergence for sequences of random variables via deferred Cesaro mean, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, vol 48 (4), pp. 1293-1309, 2022, ISSN: 1735-8515; 1017-061Xhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s41980-021-00578-8 (2021, Pub: Springer Nature Singapore(SCI & SCOPUS) I.F. 0.76
  16. H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Deferred Cesaro statistical convergence of martingale sequence and Korovkin-type approximation theorems, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 23 (1), 2022, pp. 443-456, 2022, ISSN: 1787-2405; I.F. 0.67, Miskolc University Press, Hungary (SCI &SCOPUS)
  17. B. A. Kumar, S. K. Paikray and U. K. Misra, Cost optimization inventory model for deteriorating items with trapezoidal demand rateunder completely backlogged shortages in crisp and fuzzy environment, RAIRO-Operations Research, 56 (2022) ,pp. 1969-1994, ISSN: 0399-0559; Pub: EDP Sciences, France, I.F. 2.08 (1/5/2022; SCI; SCOPUS) IF 2.085
  18. C. Padhy, P. K. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Operator Matrices on the Bergman Space, Filomat, vol. 36 (10) 2022, pp. 3311-3320; ISSN: 0354-5180; Pub: University of Nis, Serbia (SCI; SCOPUS)I.F. 0.988
  19. H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Some Korovkin-Type Approximation Theorems Associated with a Certain Deferred Weighted Statistical Riemann-Integrable Sequence of Functions, AXIOMS, 11 (2022), ISSN:, 2075-1680, pp. 1-11, Pub: MDPI,SwitzerlandI.F. 1.82 (12.3.22; SCI & SCOPUS)
  20. B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, A certain class of statistical convergence of martingale sequences and its applications to Korovkin-type approximation theores, Annals of the University of Craiova-Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 49(1), 2022, pp. 146-157, 2022, I.F. 0.69 (25/6/2022; . ISSN: 1223-6934, Pub: University of Craiova, Romania SCOPUS; ESCI)
  21. B. A. Kumar, S. K. Paikray and B. Padhy, Retailer’s Optimal Ordering Policy for Deteriorating Inventory having Positive Lead Time under Pre-Payment Interim and Post-Payment Strategy, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 8 (2022), 1-33, Pub: Springer, ISSN: 2349-5103, I.F. 1.77 (8/2022; SCOPUS) I.F. 2.31
  22. Smita Sonker, B. B. Jena, R. Jindal, S. K. Paikray, A Generalized Theorem on Double Absolute Factorable Matrix Summability, Applied Maths & Information Sciences, 16 (2022), pp. 315-322, ISSN: 1935-0090, I.F. 1.66, (03/2022, SCOPUS)
  23. P. K. Pattanaik, P. Parida, S. K. Paikray, Approximation of Fourier-Laguerre Expansion based on a New Product deferred Summability Means, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 8 (4), 2022, 1-10, Springer, ISSN: 2349-5103, I.F. 1.77 (SCOPUS) I.F. 2.31
  24. B. Padhy, P. N. Samanta, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, An EOQ Model for Items having Fuzzy Amelioration and Deterioration, Applied Maths &Information Sciences, 16 (2), 2022, pp. 353-360, ISSN: 1935-0090, I.F. 1.66 (03/2022, SCOPUS)
  25. B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray and H. Dutta, A new approach to Korvokin-type approximation via deferred Cesaro statistical measurable convergence, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 148 (2021), pp. 1--9, 111016, ISSN: 0960-0779 / 1873-2887 Elsevier (SCI & SCOPUS)
  26. B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Statistical Convergence of Martingale difference Sequence via deferred weighted mean Korovkin-type Theorems, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 22 (1), 2021, pp. 273-286, 2021, ISSN: 1787-2405,Pub: Miskolc University Press, Hungary, (SCI & SCOPUS)
  27. H. M. Srivastava, B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Statistical product convergence Martingale Sequencesand its application to Korovkin-type Theorems, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, DOI:10.1002/mma.7382, vol. 44, 2021, pp. 9600–9610, ISSN: 1099 – 1476,I.F – 1.18, UGC Jr. No- 4042 (43/339), ISSN: 1099 – 1476, Wiley (SCI & SCOPUS)
  28. D. K. Nayak, S. S. Routray, S. K. Paikary, H. Dutta, A fuzzy inventory model for weibull deteriorating items under completely backlogged shortages, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 14 (2021), No. 7, pp. 2435-2453, ISSN: 1078-0947 / 1553-5231, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (SCI & SCOPUS)
  29. C. Padhy, P. K. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Uniqueness of Operators, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, Vol. 22 (2021), No. 2, pp. 831–840, ISSN: 1787-2405, Pub: Miskolc University Press, Hungary (SCI; SCOPUS)
  30. H. M. Srivastava, B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Statistical Riemann and Lebesgue integrable sequence of functions withKorovkin-type approximation theorems, AXIOMS, 10 (2021), pp. 1-16, ISSN: 2075-1680, I.F. 1.82, Pub: MDPI,Switzerland, doi: 10.3390/axioms10030229 (SCI & SCOPUS)
  31. B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray and H. Dutta, On various new concepts of statistical convergence for sequences of random variables via deferred Cesaro mean, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 487 (2020), pp. 1-18, 123950, ISSN: 0022-247X / 1096-0813,Elsevier (SCI; SCOPUS)
  32. H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena and S. K. Paikray, Statistical probability convergence via deferred N"{o}rlund mean and its applications to approximation theorems, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, 114 (2020), pp. 1-14 (RACSAM), 114, (2020), ISSN: 1578-7303/ 1579-1505, Springer (SCI; SCOPUS)
  33. A. A. Das, S. K. Paikray, T. Pradhan and H. Dutta, Statistical (C, 1)(E,_)-summability and associated fuzzy approximation theorems with statistical fuzzy rates, Soft Computing, 24,2020,pp. 10883—10892, ISSN: 1433-7479, IF- , UGC Jr. No- , Springer (SCI & SCOPUS)
  34. H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena and S. K. Paikray, Statistical deferred Nörlund summability and Korovkin-type approximation theorem, Mathematics, 8 (2020), Article ID:636, pp. 1-11, Pub: MDPI, Switzerland, ISSN: 2227-7390 (SCI; SCOPUS)
  35. B. A. Kumar, S. K. Paikray and U. K. Misra, Two-storage fuzzy inventory model with time dependent demand and holding cost under acceptable delay in payment, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 25 (2020), 441-460, ISSN: 1392-6292 (SCI; SCOPUS)
  36. H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena and S. K. Paikray, A certain class of statistical probability convergence and its applications to approximation theorems, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math., vol. 14 (9), 2020, pp. 579-598, ISSN: 1452-8630, IF- 1.07, UGC Jr. No- 49/135, Pub: University of Belgrade, Serbia (SCI & SCOPUS)
  37. B. A. Kumar, S. K. Paikray and H. Dutta, Cost optimization model for items having fuzzy demand and deterioration with two-warehouse facility under the trade credit financing, AIMS Mathematics, 5 (2), 2020, pp. 1603–1620, ISSN: 2473-6988, Pub: American Institute of Mathematical Sciences(SCI & SCOPUS)
  38. P. Parida, S. K. Paikray and H. Dutta, On approximation of signals in $Lip (alpha, r) $-class using the product $(overline{N}, p_{n}, q_{n})(E, s)$- summability means of conjugate Fourier series}, Nonlinear Studies, 27 (2020), 447-455, ISSN: 1359-8678/ 2153-4373, Pub: Cambridge Scientific Publishers (SCOPUS)
  39. C. Padhy, P. K. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Aluthge transform of operators on the Bergman space, Arab. J. Math, 9, 2020
  40. B. B. Jena and S. K. Paikray, Product of Deferred Cesaro deferred weighted Statistical Probability Convergence and Its Applications to Korovkin-type Theorem, Universitas Scientiarum Journal of Faculty of Sciences, Pontificia Universidad, 25 (3), 2020, 409-433, ISSN: 0122-7483 / 2027-1352;UGC: 66/111(ESCI, SCOPUS)
  41. P. Parida, S. K. Paikray and B. B. Jena, Statistical Tauberian theorems for Cesàro integrability mean based on post-quantum calculus, Arab. J. Math., 9, 2020, 653-663, 2020,
  42. B. B Jena, S. K. Paikray, P. Parida, H. Dutta,Results on Tauberian theorem for Cesàrosummable double sequences of fuzzy numbers,Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, Vol.44, 2020, pp. 495-508, ISSN: 1450-9628, IF-0.46, UGC Jr. No- 48837 (225/339),University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science(E-SCI & SCOPUS)
  43. M. Patro, S. K. Paikray, B. B. Jena, Absolute Index Norlund Summability of Improper Integrals, TWMS J. App. and Eng. Math., vol.10, Special Issue, 2020, pp. 2- 8, ISSN: 2146-1147, E-ISSN: 2146-1147, IF- , UGC Jr. No- 155/159, Pub:Turkic World Mathematical Soc, Azerbaijan (ESCI & SCOPUS)
  44. B.B. Jena, L. N. Mishra, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Approximation of Signals by General Matrix Summability with effects of Gibb’s Phenomenon applications to approximation theorems, Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat. (BSPM), Vol. 38, 2020, pp. 141–158,ISSN-2175-1188 (on line), ISSN-0037-8712, IF-0.39, UGC Jr. No- 15087 (UGC-251/339) Pub: Soc Paranaense Matematica, Brazil, (SCOPUS; ESCI)
  45. A.A. Das, S. K. Paikray, P.Parida, U. K. Misra, Degree of approximation in the generalized Lipschitz class via - product summability means of Fourier series of a signal belonging to - class, TWMS J. App. and Eng. Math. Vol. 10, Special Issue, 2020, pp. 53-62, ISSN: 2146-1147, E-ISSN: 2146-1147, IF- , UGC Jr. No- 155/159, Pub:Turkic World Mathematical Soc, Azerbaijan (ESCI & SCOPUS)
  46. P. K. Pattnaik, S. K. Paikray and B.B. Jena, GeneralisedNorlund and Norlund types means of Sequences of fuzzy numbers, EJPAM., vol. 13 (5), 2020, pp.1088-1096, ISSN: 1307-5543, IF- 1.07, UGC Jr. No-, Pub: New York Business Global, United States(ESCI & SCOPUS)
  47. A. A. Das, S. K. Paikray, V. N. Mishra And P. Parida, A certain class of equi-statistical convergence based on (p; q)-integers via deferred Norlund mean and related approximation theorems, Analysis in Theory and Applications, vol. 36 (2020), 1-24, ISSN: 1672-4070 / 1573-8175, IF- , UGC Jr. No- , Pub: Global Science Press, Peking University and Nanjing University (ESCI &SCOPUS)
  48. S. K. Paikray, P. Parida and S. A. Mohiuddine, A certain class of relative equistatistical Fuzzy approximation theorems, EJPAM., vol. 13 (5), 2020, pp. 1212-1230, ISSN: 1307-5543, IF- 1.07, UGC Jr. No-, New York Business Global, USA (ESCI & SCOPUS)
  49. P. Parida, S. K. Paikray, B.B. Jena, Generalized Deferred Cesaro Equi-statistical Convergence and Analogous Approximation, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 39 (2), (2020) 317-339. ISSN: 0716-0917, IF-0.70, UGC Jr. No-32021 (149/339), Pub: Universidad Catolica Del Norte, ISSN:0716-0917 / 0717-6279(SCOPUS up to 2023)
  50. M. Patro, S. K. Paikray, H. Dutta, Statistical Deferred Euler Summability Mean and Associated Korovokin-type Approximation Theorem, Science & Technology Asia, vol. 25, 2020, 31-37, ISSN: 2586-9000, UGC: 182/203, Pub: Pontificia Univ Javeriana, Colombia (SCOPUS)
  51. B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Strong Riesz summability of Fourier series, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 39 (6), (2020), 1615-1626. ISSN: 0716-0917, IF-0.70, UGC Jr. No-32021 (149/339), Pub: Universidad Catolica Del Norte, ISSN:0716-0917 / 0717-6279(SCOPUS up to 2023)
  52. M. Patro, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, On generalised Absolute Indexed Cesaro Summability of Improper Integrals, Applied Analysis and optimization, Vol.4 (3), 2020, pp. 291--298, ISSN: 2432-1656 / 2432- 1664, UGC Jr. No- , Yokohama Publishers (ESCI)
  53. B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Product of Statistical Probability Convergence and Its Applications to Korovkin-type Theorem, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 20 (2), pp. 969-984, 2019 (SCI & SCOPUS)
  54. H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena and S. K. Paikray, Deferred Cesaro statistical probability convergence and its applications to approximation theorems, J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. Vol 20 (9), 1777-1792, 2019, ISSN: 1345-4773, IF-1.07, UGC Jr. No -87/135, University of Belgrade(SCI & SCOPUS)
  55. Amjed Zraiqat, S. K. Paikray and H. K. Dutta, A Certain Class of Deferred Weighted Statistical B-Summability Involving (p; q)-Integers and Analogous Approximation, Filomat, 33 (5), pp. 1425-1444, 2019, ISSN: 03545180, IF- 0.78, UGC Jr. No- 29375 (124/339), University of Nis (SCI & SCOPUS)
  56. B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, S. A. Mohiuddine, V. N. Mishra, Relatively equi-stiaistical convergence via deferred Norlund mean based on difference operator of fractional order and related approximation theorems, AIMS Mathematics, 5 (1), 2019, pp. 650-672, ISSN: 2473-6988, Pub: American Institute of Mathematical Sciences(SCI & SCOPUS)
  57. H.M. Srivastava, B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Statistically and deferred weighted summability and Korvokin-type approximation theorems, Symmetry, 11: 4 (2019), 1-20, ISSN: 1487 – 150, IF-2.38, UGC Jr. No- UGC-24/339, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)(SCI & SCOPUS)
  58. T. Pradhan, S. K. Paikray, B.B. jena, Hemen Dutta, On approximation of the rate of convergenceof Fourier series in the generalized Holder metric by deferred Norlund mean, Afrika Mathematika, 30, 2019, pp. 1119-1131, ISSN: 1012-9405, IF-0.66, UGC Jr. No- 153/339, Springer (ESCI & SCOPUS)
  59. P. Parida, S. K. Paikray, M. Dash, U. K. Misra, Degree of approximation by product -summability of Fourier series of a signal belonging to - class, TWMS (Turkic World Mathematical Society), Vol 9 (4), 2019, 901-908, ISSN: 2146-1147, E-ISSN: 2146-1147, IF- , UGC Jr. No- 155/159, Turkic World Mathematical Soc, Azerbaijan, Az 1148 (ESCI & SCOPUS)
  60. T. Pradhan, S. K. Paikray, A. A. Das, Hemen Dutta, On approximation of functions in the generalized Zygmund class via summability means of conjugate Fourier series, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, 38 (5), pp. 1015-1033, 2019, ISSN: 07160917, IF-0.70, UGC Jr. No-32021 (149/339), publisher Departamento De Matematicas, Universidad Catolica Del Norte (E-SCI & SCOPUS)
  61. L. N. Mishra, M. Patro, S. K. Paikrayand B. B. Jena, A certain class of statistical deferred weighted A-summability based on (p; q)-integers and associated approximation theorems, Applications and Applied Mathematics-an International Journal, vol. 14 (2), pp. 716-740, 2019, ISSN: 1932-9466, IF- UGC Jr. No- ,Prairie View A & M Univ, Dept Mathematics, Ms 2225, Po Box 519, Prairie View, Usa, Tx, 77446(ESCI & SCOPUS)
  62. H. M. Srivastava, B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, A Certain Class of Weighted Statistical Convergence and Associated Korovkin Type Approximation Theorems Involving Trigonometric Functions, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 41, 2018-2017, pp. 671-683, ISSN: 0170-4214 / 1099-1476, UGC Jr. No- 4042 (43/339), Pub: Wiley, Hoboken, USA (SCI & SCOPUS) I.F. 3.007
  63. B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Statistical deferred Cesarosummability and its applications to approximation theorems, Filomat, Vol. 32, 2018, pp. 2307-2319, ISSN: 0354-5180,UGC Jr. No- 29375 (124/339), IF- 0.695, University of Nis (SCI & SCOPUS)
  64. H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Generalizedequi-statistical convergence of the deferred Nörlund summability and its applications to associated approximation theorems, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas (RACSAM), Vol. 112, 2018, pp. 1487-1501, ISSN: 1578-7303/ 1579-1505, IF- 1.23, UGC Jr. No- 29375(27/91), Springer Nature (SCI & SCOPUS)
  65. T. Pradhan, S. K. Paikray, B. B. Jena, H. Dutta, Statistical deferred weighted B-summability and its applications to associated approximation theorems, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 65, 2018, pp. 1 – 21, ISSN- 1029-242X,UGC Jr. No- 28634 (56/135), Springer Nature (SCI & SCOPUS)
  66. P. Parida, S. K. Paikray, H. Dutta, B. B. Jena, M. Dash, Tauberian theorems for Cesàro summability of nth sequences, Filomat, vol. 32 (6), 2018, pp. 2307-2319,ISSN: 0354-5180,UGC Jr. No- 29375 (124/339), IF- 0.695, University of Nis (SCI & SCOPUS)
  67. H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Deferred Weighted A-Statistical convergence based upon (p, q)-Lagrange polynomials and its’ Application to Approximation Theorems, Journal of Applied Analysis, Vol. 24 (1), 2018, pp. 1-16, ISSN: 1425-6908 / 1869-6082, I.F – 0.966, UGC Jr. No- 21348 (383/460),Walter de Gruyter (ESCI & SCOPUS)
  68. B.B. Jena, Vandana, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, On Generalised Local Property of summability of Factored Fourier Series, International Journal of Analysis and Applications, Vol. 16 (2), 2018, p.p. 209-221, ISSN- 2291-8639, PUB: Etamaths Publ, Canada UGC Jr. No- 95/248 (ESCI).
  69. B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Double Absolute Indexed Matrix Summability with Its applications, Tbilisi Mathematical Journal,Vol. 11, 2018, pp. 1-18, ISSN: 2667-9930, I.F – 1.118, UGC Jr. No- 46810(149/159), Pub: Tbilisi Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Georgia (ESCI/ SCOPUS up to 2023)
  70. A. A. Das, B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray and R. K. Jati, Statistical deferred weighted summability and associated Korovkin-type approximation theorem, Nonlinear Sci. Lett. A, Vol.9, No.3, pp.238-245, September 2018, ISBN- 2519-9072 (Online), 2076-2275 (Print) ESCI
  71. B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Inclusion Theorems on general convergence and statistical convergence of –summability using generalized Tauberian condition, Tamsui Oxford journal of Information and Mathematical science (UGC Approved), Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 101 -115, 2017, Aletheia University. ISSN: 2222 – 4424, SCOPUS. I.F – 0.46
  72. V. N. Misra, S. K. Paikray, P. Palo, P. N. Samanta, M. Misra, U. K. Misra, On double absolute factorable matrix summability, Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, De Gruyter, vol. 10, issue 4, pp. 29 – 44, 2017, DOI 10.1515/tmj-2017-0043. (UGC Approved), ISBN- 15120139, UGC Jr. No- 46810. ESCI, I.F – 1.118
  73. S. K. Paikray, P. K. Das, P. N. Samanta, M. Misra, U. K. Misra, Double absolute matrix summability methods, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering (UGC Approved), vol. 6, issue 9, pp. 1555 – 1560, Sept. 2017, ISSN: 2319 – 8346.
  74. L.D. Jena, S. K. Paikray, M. Dash, Approximation of conjugate Fourier series of a function belonging to the class class using - summability method, International journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics (UGC Approved), vol. 6, issue 6, pp. 18 -25, October, 2017, ISSN: 2320 – 0294.
  75. A. Pany, S.K. Paikray, S. Padhy, A.K. Pany, Backward Euler Schemes for the Kelvin-Voigt Viscoelastic Fluid Flow Model, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modelling,Volume 14, Number 1, Pages 126 - 151, 2016, IF: 0.515, ISSN: 1705 - 5105, Global Science Press, Canada https://www.math.ualberta.ca/ijnam, ISSN: 1705 – 5106, UGC Approved), UGC Jr. No- 23229. SCI & SCOPUS
  76. B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, A Proof of Tauberian Theorem For Double Cesaro Summability Method, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, vol. 2016, pp. 1- 4, ISSN: 0161 – 1712, www.hindawi.com, Hindawi Publishing corporation, New York, NY 10017, USA, SCOPUS.
  77. S. K. Paikray, Degree of Approximation by product Summability of Fourier Series of Function Lipschitz Class, Asian Journal of Current Research (UGC Approved), vol 1(3), pp. 108-113, ISSN: 2395 – 4213, www.ikpress.org, International Knowledge Press, 2016, SCI Mago
  78. T. Pradhan, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Approximation of Signals Belonging to Generalized Lipschitz Class -Summability Mean of Fourier Series, Cogent Mathematics (2016), 3: 1250343 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23311835.2016.1250343, ISSN: 2331-1835
  79. L.D. Jena, S. K. Paikray, M. Dash, U. K. Misra, Local Property of Factored Fourier Series by Indexed Norlund Summability, International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 11, pp. 867-874. Hikari Ltd. 2016 http://dx.doi.org/10.12988/imf.2016.6681, www.m-hikari.com.
  80. L.D. Jena, S. K. Paikray, M. Dash, U. K. Misra, A note on summability of a series, Asian Journal of Current Research, Vol 1(1), pp. 39-45, www.ikpress.org, International Knowledge Press, 2016, SCOPUS, SCI Mago
  81. RK Jati, S.K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, B.B. Jena Absolute Indexed matrix summability of an infinite series, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, Vol 11, issue 1, pp. 46 - 56, International Knowledge Press, 2016, ISSN: 2395-4205 (P), ISSN: 2395-4213 (O), www.ikpress.org , SCOPUS, SCI Mago
  82. S. K. Indrajit, S. Routray, S.K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Fuzzy Economic Production Quantity model with Time Dependent demand rate, Scientific Journal of Logistics, LogForum, vol. 12 (3), 2016, pp. 193-198, ISSN- 1895-2038, DOI: 10.17270/J.LOG.2016.3, Publishing agency- Poznan School of Logistics, Poland, http://www.logforum.net.
  83. Sunita Sarangi, S. K. Paikray, Minakshi Dash, U. K. Misra, Two absolute indexed Summability methods, Journal of advances in Mathematics, Council for innovative Research, vol. 13, Issue 3, 2016, ISSN: 2347-1921, USA, global publishing and certification system, www.cirworld.com
  84. B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, A Proof of Tauberian Theorem For Cesaro Summability, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, Vol 8, issue 3 pp. 272 - 276, International Knowledge Press, 2016, ISSN: 2395-4205 (P), ISSN: 2395-4213 (O), SCOPUS, SCI Mago
  85. S. Barik, S. K. Paikray, S. Misra, U. K. Misra, A Deteriorating Inventory Model with shortages under price dependant Demand and Inflation, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, vol. 8, Issue 1, pp. 14-25, International Knowledge Press, 2016, ISSN: 2395-4205 (P), ISSN: 2395-4213 (O)., SCOPUS, SCI Mago
  86. Sunita Sarangi, S. K. Paikray, Minakshi Dash, U. K. Misra, Local Property of a Factored Fourier Series Using Absolute Norlund Indexed-Summability, Journal of progressive Research in Mathematics (JPRM), Vol. 6, issue 1, pp. 671 -680, Scitech, Dec 2015, ISSN: 2395 – 0218. Scitech Research Organisation pbs
  87. S. Routray, S.K. Paikray, S. Mishra, U. K. Misra, A Model of Deteriorating Items with Price Dependant Demand Rate, International Journal of research and Review in applied sciences(IJRRS), vol. 25 (2), Nov 2015, pp. 44-49, ISSN 2076-334. Academic Research publishing agency
  88. S. Barik, S. K. Paikray, S. Misra, U. K. Misra, An Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items under Time Varying Demand Condition, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 10, Issue 15, pp. 35770-35773, Research India Publications, 2015, ISSN: 0973-4562 (UGC Approved), UGC Jr No. 64529. SCOPUS.
  89. Sunita Sarangi, S. K. Paikray, Minakshi Dash, U. K. Misra, An Application of -Quasi Monotone Sequence, Global Journal of Pure and applied Mathematics, vol.11, Issue 5, pp. 2813-2823, Research India Publications, 2015, ISSN: 0973-1768, ISSN: 0973-1768. IF 2.38, SCOPUS.
  90. S. Barik, S. K. Paikray, S. Misra, U. K. Misra, An Inventory Control Model of Deteriorating Items in Fuzzy Environment, Global Journal of Pure and applied Mathematics, Vol. 11, Issue 3, pp. 1301 – 1315, 2015, ISSN: 0973-1768. IF 2.38, SCOPUS.
  91. R. K. Jati, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, On indexed Summability of a factored Fourier series through Local Property, International Journal for Research in Science and Technology, 2(2), pp. 34-39, Science and Engg. Research, 2015, ISSN: 4349-0845.
  92. S. Barik, S.K. Paikray, R. K. Jati, Inventory models for deteriorating items for non linear holding cost with time dependant demand, Journal of Advances in Mathematics, 9(6), pp. 2705-2709, Council for Innovative Research, 2014, ISSN:2347-1921(UGC Approved).
  93. R. K. Jati, S.K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, On degree of approximation by Product means of the Fourier series of a function of Lipchitz class, International journal of adv computational theory and Engg.(IJACTE), Ird India, 3(5), pp. 57-63, 2014,2319-2516.
  94. S. Routray, S.K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, A note on optimal order level for deteriorating items with uniform demand rate, Proceedings of Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 17(3), pp. 403-409, 2014, ISSN: 1598-7264, (UGC Approved), UGC Jr. 38600, No. IF: 0.035, SCOPUS.
  95. S. Barik, S. Misra, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, An Inventory Model for Weibull Ameliorating, Deteriorating Items under the Influence of Inflation, International journal of engg. Research and applications,Vol. 3, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2013, pp.1430-1436, ISSN : 2248-9622
  96. M. Mallik, S. Misra, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Optimal Inventory Control for Ameliorating, Deteriorating Items under Time Varying Demand Conditions, journal of Social Science Research, vol. 3, No. 1, 2013,pp 166-174,ISSN : 2321-1098
  97. Sunita Sarangi, S. K. Paikray, Minakshi Dash, U. K. Misra, Degree of approximation of Fourier series by Hausdorff and Norlund product means, Journal of Computation and Modeling, Vol 3, No. 1, pp. 145-152, 2013, ISSN: 1792-8850.
  98. S. K. Paikray, R. K. Jati, U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, Absolute indexed Summability factor of an infinite series using Quasi-f-power increasing sequence published in the Journal of Engg. Mathematics letters, Vol-2, No.1 p.p 56-66, 2013, ISSN: 2049-9337.
  99. S. K. Paikray, R. K. Jati, U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, On degree of approximation of Fourier series by product means, Journal of General Mathematics Notes, Vol-13, No-2, p.p.22-30, Dec 2012, ISSN: 2219-7184, (UGC Approved).
  100. S. K. Paikray, R. K. Jati, U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, On degree of approximation by product means of conjugate series of a Fouries series, Publised in Bulletin of Society for Mathematical Services and Standards, Volume1, No-4(2012) P.P-12-17. ISSN: 2270-8020.
  101. S. Misra, U. K. Misra, S. Barik, S. K. Paikray, An inventory model for inflation indiced demand and Weibull deteriorating items, International Journal of Advances in Engg. And Technology, (IJET) Vol: 4, Issue: 1 July: 2012, PP: 176-182, ISSN: 2231-1963.
  102. S. K. Paikray, R. K. Jati, U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, A Note on -Summability, International Journal of computer and mathematical sciences, Vol-3, Issue-3, June: 2012, PP: 320-328, ISSN: 0976-5727, (UGC Approved).
  103. S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, Absolute Banach Summability of a factored Cojugate series, General Math. Notes, Volume -9, No: 2, Apr: 2012, PP: 19-31, ISSN: 2219-7184, (UGC Approved).
  104. S. Misra, M. Mallick, U. K. Misra, S. K. Paikray, An EOQ Model for both ameliorating and deteriorating items under the influence of inflation and time value of money, Journal of Computations and Moddelling, Vol:1, No. 1, 2011, PP 101-113, ISSN.1792-7625.
  105. S. Misra, S. Barik, U. K. Misra, S. K. Paikray, A Deterministic Inventory Model for Items with Three Storage Facilties, International Journal of computer and mathematical sciences, Vol.-2(1), 111-116(2011), ISSN 0976-5727, (UGC Approved).
  106. S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, Absolute Banach Summability of a factored Fourier series, International Journal of research and Review in applied sciences(IJRRS), vol. 7 (3), June 2011, pp-266-276.ISSN 2076-334.
  107. S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, Triangular Matrix Summability of a Series, African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research, Vol. 4 (4), pp. 164-169, April, 2011, ISSN 2006-9731.
  108. S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, Product Summability of an Infinite Series, International Journal of computer and mathematical sciences, Vol-1, (7),853-863, 2010, ISSN. 0976-5727., (UGC Approved).

National Publications

  1. S. K Patra, SK Paikray, B. Anil Kumar, A Retailer’s Deteriorating Inventory Model with Amelioration and Permissible Backlogging Under Power Pattern Demand, Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, 2024, pp. 1-23, Doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41096-024-00192-x (In Press; May 2024,ISSN: 2364-9569; Pub: Springer India, I.F-0.8 (SCOPUS, ESCI)
  2. A. A. Das, S. K. Paikray,T. Pradhan and H. K. Dutta, Approximation of signals in the weighted Zygmundclass via Euler-Hausdorff product summability mean ofFourier series, Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, vol. 87 (1-2), pp. 22-36, 2020, ISSN- 0019-5839, IF- 0.13UGC Jr. No- 317/430, (SCOPUS)
  3. B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Approximation of periodic functions via statistical B-summability and its applications to approximation theorems, Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 10 (2019), 71-86, ISSN: 0973-4317, Indian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICI)
  4. T. Pradhan, S. K. Paikray,U. K. Misra,Onapproximation of signals in the generalisedZygmund class via summability means of Fourier series, Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 10 (2019), 152-164, ISSN: 0973-4317, Indian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICI)
  5. S. K. Paikray, B. Majhi, P. N. Samanta,U. K. Misra, On double Absolute Factorable Matrix Summability, Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics, Indore. Vol. 39, No.2 (2017), p.p. 175-202, ISSN 0970-5120, (UGC Approved), UGC Jr. No- 28597.
  6. S. Misra, U. K. Misra, S. Barik, S. K. Paikray, Optimal control of an inventory system for weibull ameliorating, deteriorating items under the influence of inflation, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Vol: 30-E (Math and Stat) Issue (1), 2011, PP-85-94, ISSN: 0970-4639, (UGC Approved), UGC Jr. No. 9850, IF: 0.011.
  7. U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, S. K. Paikray, A Note on -Summability, Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics, Indore. Vol.30, No.2 (2008), p.481-487, ISSN 0970-5120, (UGC Approved), UGC Jr. No- 28597.
  8. U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, S. K. Paikray, Summability of a series by Metho, Indian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Science, Vol.3, No.2, (December, 2007), p.117-126, ISSN 0973-3329, (UGC Approved).

International Conferences

  1. International conference on Mathematics and its applications (ICMIA-2K24), Berhampur University 22-23, March, 2024 (Invited Speaker: Statistical convergence for sequences of random variables via deferred Cesaro mean)
  2. International Seminar on Application of Statistical Computing & Data Analytics (ASCDA-2022), Department of Statistics, Sambalpur University (Paper Presented: A fuzzy inventory model for deteriorating itemshaving power demand pattern with imprecise costs)
  3. International conference Recent Trends in Applied and Computational Mathematics at REVA University Bengaluru, 4-5, Dec, 2020(Invited Speaker: Statistical Probability Convergence)
  4. International conference on Global Advancement of Mathematics-2019, Acharya Institute of Graduate Studied, Bengaluru, 25-26, June, 2019 (Paper Presented: Absolute Indexed Cesaro Summability of Improper Integrals)
  5. Presented a paper, Double absolute matrix summability methods, 5th International conference on Latest Innovations in Science, Engg and Mgmt, The International Goa Centre, Goa, 28, Sept 2017.
  6. Presented a paper, Degree of approximation of Conjugate series of Fourier series by Hausdorff and Norlund product summability,  International conference on computational Intelligence in data mining, ICCIDM-2014 VSSUT, Burla, Sambalpur, 20-21, Dec-2014.
  7. Participated, International Conference on Industrial Mathematics and Scientific computing(ICIMSC-2014), KIIT University, BBSR, 04-05 Jan,2014.
  8. Presented a paper, A Note on summability , International Conf. on Analysis and Applications (ICAA-2012) (UGC Sponsored), Dept. of Maths Berhampur University, Odisha, India. 20th-21st July 2012

National Conferences

  1. National Seminar on Data Driven Predictive Analysis & Modeling (DDPAM – 2024), Department of Statistics, Sambalpur University, 19 - 20, March, 2024 (Paper Presented: On Strong Summability of The Fourier Series via Deferred Norlund Mean)
  2. National Seminar on Contemporary progress in Mathematics(NSCPIMM-2K23), Berhampur University, 19-20, October, 2023 (Invited Speaker: A Path way to convergence of infinite series)
  3. National Seminar on Recent Innovations in Advanced Mathematics (NSRIAM-2K23), 25-26, March 2023, Berhampur University, Berhampur (Invited Speaker: Certain Aspects of Convergence of Fourier Series)
  4. National Seminar on Applications of Statistics and artificial intelligence in emerging Scenarios (ASAIES-2023), Department of Statistics, Sambalpur University (Paper Presented: Almost Statistical Convergence for difference Sequences of fuzzy numbers with applications to Korvokin’s Theorem)
  5. 45th Annual Convention of OMS & National Seminar on Computational and Mathematical Engg, Parala Maharaja Engg. College, Berhampur, 03-04 Feb 2018 (Paper Presented: A Tauberian Theorem for (C, k, r)-summability)
  6. National Seminar on Recent advancement in Material Sciences (RAIMS-2014), VSSUT, Burla, 23-24 Aug, 2014 (Paper Presented: An EOQ model for deteriorating item with time dependent non-linear demand)
  7. State Level Seminar on Reform of Technical Education System in Odisha: Vision-2015, ISTE Odisha Section & DRIEMS, Cuttack, 21 May, 2012(Paper Presented: Optimal control of an inventory for weibull ameliorating items under influence of inflation)
  8. 38th Annual Conference and National Seminar on Role of Maths in Engg, & Technology, SOA University, Bhubaneswar, 08-09, Jan 2011 (Paper Presented: Matrix Summability of a Series)
  9. UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Optimization and Application, SB Women’s College, Cuttack, 24 Dec, 2011 (Paper Presented: Optimal policy for inventory management of a class of deteriorating items)
  10. National Conference Recent trends in Mathematical Analysis &Applications NCFTMAA-2010, Berhampur University. 22-23, Dec 2010 (Paper Presented: Absolute Summability factor of Fourier series)
  11. U.G.C. Sponsored National Conference Recent trends in Mathematical Analysis & Applications (NCFTMAA-2010), Berhampur University. 22-23, Dec 2010 (Paper Presented: Absolute Summability factor of Fourier series)
  12. National Conference on Mathematical Analysis& its applications NCMAA-2007, Berhampur University, 03-04 Nov 2007 (Paper Presented: Absolute Banach Summabilityof )
  13. XXII Annual Convention of Orissa Physical Socity and National Conference on Astrophysics and Cosmology, RD women’s College, Bhubaneswar, 5-6, Feb, 2005 (Paper Presented: On certain product summability of Fourier series)
  14. 31st Annual Conference of OMS, Institute of Maths, BBSR, 07-08- Feb 2004 (Paper Presented: Absolute Branch summabilityof )
  15. 29th Annual Convention of OMS & National Conference on Maths & Applications, Image transformations, OEC, BBSR, 23-24 Feb 2002 (Paper Presented Image Transformation).


  1. FDP on “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” , AICTE, 15-17, Dec, 2023 (3-days)
  2. FDP on Role of Mathematics in Machine Learning, College of Engg. & Technology, SRM Institute of Science & Tech., KattankulathurL, 20-24, Feb, 2023 (5 days)
  3. FDP on Emerging Research Orientation in Mathematics and its Applications, CRM Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, 9-13, Jan, 2023 (5 days)
  4. Short Term Training Programme on Role of Computational Mathematics in Science &Engg., CET, Bhubaneswar, 15th-19th Feb, 2021 (5 days)
  5. Refresher Course on Fourier Series and Applications, IIT Bombay (ARPIT/SWYAM; 2021), 01.12.20-31.03.21 (16 weeks)
  6. Refresher Course on Teacher and Training in Higher Education, Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune (ARPIT/SWYAM; 2021); 01.12.20-31.03.21 (16 weeks)
  7. Refresher Course in Mathematics, University of North Bengal, 8th -21stJan, 2021(3-weeks)
  8. FDP on Application of Data Science and Analytics, XIM Universiy, BBSR, 13th -17st Dec, 2021(1-week)
  9. Professional Devt. Training QIP Programme, IIM, Visakhapatnam, 7th – 9th Dec, 2020 (3-days)
  10. FDP on Mathematics with MTLAB & Mathematica, IIT, Indore, 23-28, Nov, 2020 (1-week)
  11. TEQIP Certification Course on Digital Transformation in Teaching & Learning Process (SWYAM; 2020), 6-22, Apr, 2020 (3-weeks)
  12. Workshop on Management Capacity Enrichment – A Technical Education Perspective, VSSUT, Burla, 29-30, Jan, 2016 (2-days)
  13. Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing, VSSUT, Burla, 31, Jan, 2016 (1-day)
  14. Workshop on Graph Theory & Applications, Silicon Institute of Technology, BBSR, 15 – 19 Dec- 2015 (5-days)
  15. UGC Sponsored Refresher course in Mathematics, Sambalpur University, 03 – 23 Jan 2014 (3-weeks)
  16. DST sponsored workshop on Development of a common spatial database for improved planning of Geo resources in Odisha, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, 16-17 Apr-2013 (2-days)
  17. National Workshop on OR NWOR-08, DRIEMS Tangi , Cuttack, 29.02- 02.03.08 (3-days)
  18. National Workshop on Use &devt. of web & video Courses for enriching Engg.Edn, National Programme on Technology enhanced learning, IIT, Guwahati, 20-21 May 2007 (2-days)
  1. B. B Jena, S. K Paikray, A New Approach on Statistical Relative Modular Deferred Weighted Mean Based on( p, q)-integers, Advances in Functional Analysis and Fixed-Point Theory, Industrial and Applied Mathematics, pp. 91-110, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-9207-2_6,Springer Nature Singapore, ISBN 978-981-99-9207-2 (eBook), ISBN 978-981-99-9206-5; ISSN 2364-6837, ISSN 2364-6845 (electronic)
  2. D. K. Nayak, S.K. Paikray, A. K. Sahoo, Profit maximization inventory model for non-instantaneous deteriorating items with imprecise costs, Modeling and Applications in Operations Research, pp. 123-138, 2024, CRC Press; eBook ISBN: 9781003462422
  3. D. K. Nayak, S. K. Paikray, and A. K. Sahoo, A Fuzzy Inventory Model of Deteriorating Items with Time-Dependent Demand Under Permissible Delay in Payment, Applied Nonlinear Analysis and Soft Computing,Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1437, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-8054-1_4, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023 (Proceedings of ANASC 2020) eBook ISBN: 978-981-19-8054-1
  4. B. B Jena, S. K Paikray, H Dutta, Approximation of Signals via Different Summability Means with Effects of Gibbs phenomenon, Methods of Mathematical Modelling and Computation for complex systems, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 413-433, 2022, eBook ISBN:978-3-030-77169-0
  5. U.Sanli, S. K. Paikray, and I. N.Cangul, New results on chromatic polynomials, New Trends in Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1356, pp. 89-98 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-1402-6_16, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021, ISBN 978-981-16-1401-9
  6. B. P. Padhy, S. K. Paikray, A. Mishra, and U. K. Misra, On Approximation of Functions in the Generalized Zygmund Class Using (E, r)(N,qn) Mean Associated with Conjugate Fourier Series, New Trends in Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1356, pp. 235-248, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-1402-6_16, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021, ISBN: 978-981-16-1401-9
  7. S. K. Paikray, H. Dutta, Statistical Deferred Weighted B-Convergence, Applied Mathematical Analysis: Theory, Methods, and Applications, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control 177, pp. 655-677; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99918-0_20,Springer Nature, Switzerland AG 2020, ISBN: 978-3-319-99918-0
  8. P. Parida, S. K. Paikray, B. B. Jena, Tauberian Theorems for Statistical Cesaro Summability of Function of Two Variables over a Locally Convex Space, Recent Advances in Intelligent Information Systems and Applied Mathematics, SCI 823, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, vol. 863, pp. 779-790, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34152-7_60, ISBN: 978-3-030-34152-7
  9. L. Parida, A. K. Sahoo, and S. K. Paikray, Certain Properties of a Subclass of Multivalent Analytic Functions Using Multiplier Transformation, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer Nature Switzerland, LNNS 123, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020; vol. 123, pp. 190-214, ISBN: 978-3-030-43001-6
  10. A. Das, S. K. Paikray and R. K. Jati, On Approximation of Signals in the Weighted Zygmund Class via Summability Means of Conjugate Fourier Series, RecentAdvances in Intelligent Information Systems and Applied Mathematics, SCI 823, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, vol. 863, pp. 791-803, 2020, Doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34152-7_61, ISBN: 978-3-030-34152-7
  11. C. Padhy, P.K. Jena, S. K., Paik ray and H. Dutta, Unitary Operators on the Bergman Space, Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences, AISC 1111, pp. 1–8, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39112-6_24, Springer Nature Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-030-39112-6.(CMES-2019)
  12. B. Anil Kumar, S. K. Paikray, S. Mishra and S. Routray, A Fuzzy Inventory Model of Defective Items under the effect of Inflation with Trade Credit Financing, Recent Advances in Intelligent Information Systems and Applied Mathematics, SCI 823, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, vol. 863, pp. 804-821 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34152-7_62, ISBN: 978-3-030-34152-7
  13. M. Patro, S. K. Paikray, B. B. Jena, H. Dutta, Statistical Deferred Riesz Summability Mean and Associated Approximation Theorems for Trigonometric Functions, Mathematical Modeling, Applied Analysis and Computation, pp. 53-67, Singapore, Springer Nature,Switzerland , 2019, ISBN: 978-981-13-9607-6
  14. H. Dutta, S. K. Paikray, B. B. Jena, On Statistical Deferred Cesàro Summability, Current Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Its Interdisciplinary Applications, Switzerland, Springer Nature Switzerland, PP. 413-433, 2019, ISBN No.: 978-3-030-15241-3
  15. S. K. Paikray, B. B. Jena, U. K. Misra, Statistical Deferred Cesàro Summability Mean Based on (p, q)-Integers with Application to Approximation Theorems, Advances in Summability and Approximation Theory, pp. 203-222, ISBN No.: 978-981-13-3076-6, Springer Nature Singapore 2018
  16. S. Sarangi, S. K. Paikray, M. Dash, U. K. Misra, Degree of Approximation of Conjugate Series of a Fourier Series by Hausdorff and Norlund Product Summability, Comuutational Intelligence in Data Mining, 3(33), pp. 685-692, Springer, India, ISBN:97881-2201-9, 2015
  17. Operators, inequalities and Approximation: Theory and Applications, Part of the book series: Industrial and Applied Mathematics (INAMA), Aug, 2024, Springer(Editor), ISBN: 978-981-97-3237-1; 978-981-97-3240-1, https://link.springer.com/book/9789819732371 (Editor)
  18. New Trends in Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics (Advances in Intelligent Systems & Computing, 1356, Springer Proceedings of ICAMC-2020), ISBN 978-981-16-1401-9 (Editor)
  19. A Text Book of Matrix Algebra, Kalyani Publisher, 2013, ISBN No. 978-93-272-2680-5 (Sole Author)
  20. Text Book on Higher Engg. Mathematics-1, Laxmi Publisher, 2012, ISBN NO. 978-81-923567-1-6 (Sole Author)
  1. Organized an International Conferences on Applied Mathematics and Computing (ICAMC-2020), 07-08, February, 2020, VSSUT, Burla (Convener)
  2. Organized an International workshop on “Recent Trends in Mathematics and Applications”; IWRTMA-2016, 01-22, Aug, 2016, VSSUT, Burla (Organizing Secretary)
  3. Organized Ramanath Mohanty & Braja Bandhu Mishra Memorial seminar at Ravenshaw University, 2013.
  4. Organized a Seminar on the topic “Origen and Devl. of Fourier Series” at DRIEMS, 2010.
  1. PIC , Central Store &Purchase, VSSUT, Burla (16.12.22 – Till Date)
  2. Chairman admission Sub Committe, 5 year Int. M. Sc Programme, VSSUT, Burla (2021-2022)
  3. HOD Mathematics, VSSUT, Burla (01.07.19 -31.07.22)
  4. PIC Guest House, VSSUT, Burla (2020-2022)
  5. Warden, Pulasthya Hall of residence (2014 - 2016).
  6. Vice-President Yoga Club (2014 - 2016).
  7. Deputy center Supt. Exam. at Ravenshaw University (2012-2013).
  8. Valuation Officer, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack (2013 - 2014) .
  9. Chief Faculty Advisor in DRIEMS (2007-2009)
  10. Worked as (HOD Math.) in DRIEMS (2002-2011)

Any other Distinction

·                1. Zonal Coordinator, Sambalpur, Zone-I, Mathematics Olympiad Examinations, IMA , Dec 2022-Till Date

·                2. Reviewer – Journal of inequalities and applications, Springer

·                3. Reviewer – Journal ofAmerican mathematical Society

·                 4. Reviewer – Opsearch

·                 5. Reviewer – Journal of Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, Wiley

·                 6. Reviewer- Journal of Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas (RACSAM), Springer

      7. Reviewer- RAIRO-Operations Research

  1. Invited Speaker / Paper Presentation: Invited Speaker – 09, Paper Presentation - 17

Member of Editorial Board : International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (Research India Publications) Reviewer – Journal of inequalities and applications (Springer) Reviewer – Journal of American mathematical Society

Present Address : 
Dept. of Mathematics, VSSUT, Burla Sambalpur, Odisha-768018
  Permanent Address : 
AT/PO : Dahunda Via. : Kamarda Dist. : Balasore – 756035, Odisha.