All Publications
International Publications
- G. Biswal, N. Behera, R.N. Mohapatra and S.K. Padhan, A pair of Mond–Weir type third order symmetric duality, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 69 (2023) 3391-3402.
- Prediction of flow and thermal criticality of unsteady EMHD second grade fluid through exponentially accelerated vertical porous plate (S. Padhi and I. Nayak), The European Physical Journal Plus, (Springer)
- Numerical investigation of unsteady flow and heat transfer of a free convective second grade fluid passing through exponentially accelerated vertical porous plate, (A.K. Rath, I. Nayak, S. Padhi), Multidisciplinary journal of Engineering sciences (MJES)
- Variable Viscosity effects on unsteady MHD reactive third grade fluid with symmetric convective cooling within porous Couette device (S. Padhi and I. Nayak), Int. J. of Ambient energy, Taylor and Francies
- A. Patnaik, S.K. Padhan and R.N. Mohapatra, Sufficient conditions for extremum of fractional variational problems, RAIRO - Operations Research, 56 (2022) 637-648.
- S. Gadtia and S.K. Padhan, A note on machine method for root extraction, Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, 40 , (2022) 1-6.
- 1Unsteady EMHD free convective second grade fluid flow past an exponentially accelerated vertical porous plate (S. Padhi & I. Nayak), Numerical Heat Transfer, part B: Fundamentals, Taylor and Francis group, 1-18, ISSN No. 1521-0626
- G. Biswal, N. Behera, S.K. Padhan and R.N. Mohapatra, Third order symmetric duality in variational problems, Pan-American Mathematical Journal, 4 , (2021) 19-30.
- P.K. Behera, S.K. Padhan and C. Nahak, Duality of control problems in general Banach spaces, International Journal of Operational Research, 42 , (2021) 358-370.
- Numerical study of unsteady MHD second grade fluid flow and heat transfer within porous channel (S. Padhi & I. Nayak), J-Int. Journal of applied and computational mathematics, Vol 7(6), pg-1-20, ISSN No.2349-5103
- Finite Difference analysis of unsteady heat and flow of an incompressible third grade fluid (I Nayak) J- Punjab University j. of Mathematics, Vol.-53(5), pg.-307-318, ISSN No.-1016-2526(2021)
- S. Gadtia, S.K. Padhan and B. Bhoi, Square root formulae in the ?ulbas?tras and Bakhshãl? manuscript, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 20 , (2020) 1-10.
- Analysis of Electro-MHD of third grade fluid flow through porous channel (S padhi& I Nayak) J- European J of pure and applied mathematics, Vol.13(5), pg.-1270-1284, ISSN No.-1307-5543(2020)
- Numerical study of MHD flow and heat transfer of an unsteady third grade fluid with viscous dissipation (I Nayak) J.-IAENG Int. j. of applied mathematics, Vol.-49(2), pg.-245-252, ISSN No.-1992-9986(2019).
- Unsteady MHD flow and heat transfer of third grade fluid with variable viscocity between two porous plates (I nayak A.K.Nayak S Padhy)J- Int. J. of mathematics treands and technology, Vol. 54(2)pg.-146-155, ISSN No.-2231-5373(2018)
- Finite element solution for unsteady flow of a third grade fluid between two plates (I nayak A.K.Nayak S Padhy)J.- Int. J. of advanced mechanical engineering, Vol.-8(1), pg.-87-99, ISSN No.-2250-3234(2018).
- Implicit finite difference solution for the magnetohydrodynamics unsteady free convective flow and heat transfer of a third grade fluid past porous vertical plates (I nayak A.K.Nayak S Padhy)J- Int. J. mathematical modelling and numerical optimization (Inder science),Vol.7(1),pg.-4-18, ISSN No.-2040-3615(2016)
- Numerical solution for the flow and heat transfer of a third grade fluid past a porous vertical plate (I nayak A.K.Nayak S Padhy) J- Adv. Studies theo.Phy. Vol.6(no13), pg-615-624, ISSN No-1313-1311(2012)
- Unsteady MHD flow analysis of a third-grade fluid between two porous plates (I Nayak & S Padhy) j- Journal of Orissa Mathematical Society, Vol.31(1), pg-83-96, ISSN No.0975-2323(2012)
- S. K Patra, S. K Paikray, H. Dutta, An inventory model under power pattern demand having trade credit facility and preservation technology investment with completely backlogged shortages, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Doi: 10.3934/jimo.2024020 (In Press; Feb 2024; SCI & SCOPUS),ISSN: 1547-1816/ 1553-166X ; Pub: American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (vol 20; 1-28), I.F-1.2
- J Sahoo, BB Jena, SK Paikray, On Strong Summability of The Fourier Series via Deferred Riesz Mean, Problemy Analiza-Issues of Analysis, Vol. 13, No. 2, June, 2024, pp. 128-143, ISSN 2306-3432 (online), 2306-3424 (print),Petrozavodsk State University(SCOPUS, ESCI), I.F-0.4
- P. Parida, S. K. Paikray B.B. Jena, Statistical Deferred Weighted Riemann Summability and Fuzzy Approximation Theorems, Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis, vol. 21(1), 2024, 327-345, ISSN: 2423-3900, IF 0.66 (SCOPUS); Pbs. University of Maragheh (SCOPUS, ESCI)
- S. K. Patra, S.K.Paikray, R. M. Tripathy, A Retailer's Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items under Power Pattern Demand with Shortages Partially Backlogged in both Crisp and Fuzzy Environments, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Doi:10.1504/IJISE.2023.10059117; ISSN No. 1748-5045/ 1748-5037 (In Press; 2024; SCOPUS); Pub: Inder Science Publishers (vol. 46)
- B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, M. Mursaleen, On statistical Riemann-Stieltjes integrablility and deferred Ces`aro summability, Contemporary Mathematics, Manuscript ID: cm-2466, Pub: Universal Wiser Publisher (UWP)I.F. 0.7(SCOPUS, ESCI)
- H. Dutta, N. P. Pahari, BB Jena, SK Paikray, On Certain Statistical Convergence Criteria for Martingale Sequences via Deferred Ces`aro Mean with Some Applications, Journal of Nepal Mathematical Society (JNMS), Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2024 (July): pp. 40-60, ISSN: 2616-0153 (Print), 2616-0161 (Online)
- B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, M. Mursaleen, Uniform convergence of Fourier series via deferred Cesàro mean and its applications, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 46, pp. 5286--5298, 2023, ISSN: 0170-4214 / 1099-1476, I.F – 1.18, UGC Jr. No- 4042 (43/339),Pub: Wiley, Hoboken, USA (SCI & SCOPUS) I.F. 3.007
- B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, M. Mursaleen, On the degree of approximation of Fourier series based on a certain class of product deferred summability means, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2023, pp. 1–13,, ISSN- 1029-242X,UGC Jr. No- 28634 (56/135)- In Press (SCI & SCOPUS), I.F. 2.02; Pub: Springer
- B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, A new approach to statistical Riemann-Stieltjes integrals, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 24 (2) 2023, pp. 789-803, 2022, ISSN: 1787-2405, I.F. 0.67, Pub: Miskolc University Press, Hungary (2023, SCI & SCOPUS)
- Smita Sonker, N. Devi, B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Approximation and simulation of signals via harmonic Banach summable factors of Fourier series, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 46, pp. 13411–13422, 2023, ISSN: 1099 – 1476, I.F – 1.18, UGC Jr. No- 4042 (43/339),Wiley (SCI & SCOPUS) I.F. 3.007
- H. M. Srivastava, B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, A Certain Class of Equi-Statistical Convergence in the Sense of the Deferred Power-Series Method, AXIOMS, 12 (10), 2023, pp. 1-19, ISSN: 2075-1680, I.F. 1.82, Pub: MDPI,Switzerland (SCI & SCOPUS)
- P. Parida, B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, A new approach to Korovkin-type theorems based on deferred Nörlundsummability mean, Annals of the University of Craiova-Mathematics and Computer Science Series, vol. 50 (2) 2023, pp. 302-312, ISSN: 1223-6934, IF 1.0 (SCOPUS; ESCI); Pbs. University of Craiova, Romania
- P. K. Pattanaik, P. Parida, S. K. Paikray, A Local Properties of Fourier Series via Deferred Riesz Mean, Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat. (BSPM; Boletim Sociedade Paranaense De Matematica), vol. 41, pp. 1–7, 2023, ISSN-2175-1188 (on line), ISSN-0037-8712 doi:10.5269/bspm.62309,,UGC Jr. No- 15087 (UGC-251/339) (SCOPUS; ESCI), Pub: Soc Paranaense Matematica, Brazil; IF-0.39
- D. K. Nayak, S. K. Paikray, A.K. Sahoo, A fuzzy EOQ model for deteriorating items having time dependent demand under partially backlogged shortages, Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, vol. 26 (3), 2023, pp. 269-290, Pub: Published By Jangjeon Mathematical Society, ISSN: 2508-7916 / 1598-7264 (SCOPUS)
- B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray and H. Dutta, Statistically Riemann integrable and summable sequence of functions via deferred Cesaro mean on various new concepts of statistical convergence for sequences of random variables via deferred Cesaro mean, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, vol 48 (4), pp. 1293-1309, 2022, ISSN: 1735-8515; 1017-061X (2021, Pub: Springer Nature Singapore(SCI & SCOPUS) I.F. 0.76
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Deferred Cesaro statistical convergence of martingale sequence and Korovkin-type approximation theorems, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 23 (1), 2022, pp. 443-456, 2022, ISSN: 1787-2405; I.F. 0.67, Miskolc University Press, Hungary (SCI &SCOPUS)
- B. A. Kumar, S. K. Paikray and U. K. Misra, Cost optimization inventory model for deteriorating items with trapezoidal demand rateunder completely backlogged shortages in crisp and fuzzy environment, RAIRO-Operations Research, 56 (2022) ,pp. 1969-1994, ISSN: 0399-0559; Pub: EDP Sciences, France, I.F. 2.08 (1/5/2022; SCI; SCOPUS) IF 2.085
- C. Padhy, P. K. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Operator Matrices on the Bergman Space, Filomat, vol. 36 (10) 2022, pp. 3311-3320; ISSN: 0354-5180; Pub: University of Nis, Serbia (SCI; SCOPUS)I.F. 0.988
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Some Korovkin-Type Approximation Theorems Associated with a Certain Deferred Weighted Statistical Riemann-Integrable Sequence of Functions, AXIOMS, 11 (2022), ISSN:, 2075-1680, pp. 1-11, Pub: MDPI,SwitzerlandI.F. 1.82 (12.3.22; SCI & SCOPUS)
- B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, A certain class of statistical convergence of martingale sequences and its applications to Korovkin-type approximation theores, Annals of the University of Craiova-Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 49(1), 2022, pp. 146-157, 2022, I.F. 0.69 (25/6/2022; . ISSN: 1223-6934, Pub: University of Craiova, Romania SCOPUS; ESCI)
- B. A. Kumar, S. K. Paikray and B. Padhy, Retailer’s Optimal Ordering Policy for Deteriorating Inventory having Positive Lead Time under Pre-Payment Interim and Post-Payment Strategy, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 8 (2022), 1-33, Pub: Springer, ISSN: 2349-5103, I.F. 1.77 (8/2022; SCOPUS) I.F. 2.31
- Smita Sonker, B. B. Jena, R. Jindal, S. K. Paikray, A Generalized Theorem on Double Absolute Factorable Matrix Summability, Applied Maths & Information Sciences, 16 (2022), pp. 315-322, ISSN: 1935-0090, I.F. 1.66, (03/2022, SCOPUS)
- P. K. Pattanaik, P. Parida, S. K. Paikray, Approximation of Fourier-Laguerre Expansion based on a New Product deferred Summability Means, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 8 (4), 2022, 1-10, Springer, ISSN: 2349-5103, I.F. 1.77 (SCOPUS) I.F. 2.31
- B. Padhy, P. N. Samanta, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, An EOQ Model for Items having Fuzzy Amelioration and Deterioration, Applied Maths &Information Sciences, 16 (2), 2022, pp. 353-360, ISSN: 1935-0090, I.F. 1.66 (03/2022, SCOPUS)
- B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray and H. Dutta, A new approach to Korvokin-type approximation via deferred Cesaro statistical measurable convergence, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 148 (2021), pp. 1--9, 111016, ISSN: 0960-0779 / 1873-2887 Elsevier (SCI & SCOPUS)
- B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Statistical Convergence of Martingale difference Sequence via deferred weighted mean Korovkin-type Theorems, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 22 (1), 2021, pp. 273-286, 2021, ISSN: 1787-2405,Pub: Miskolc University Press, Hungary, (SCI & SCOPUS)
- H. M. Srivastava, B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Statistical product convergence Martingale Sequencesand its application to Korovkin-type Theorems, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, DOI:10.1002/mma.7382, vol. 44, 2021, pp. 9600–9610, ISSN: 1099 – 1476,I.F – 1.18, UGC Jr. No- 4042 (43/339), ISSN: 1099 – 1476, Wiley (SCI & SCOPUS)
- D. K. Nayak, S. S. Routray, S. K. Paikary, H. Dutta, A fuzzy inventory model for weibull deteriorating items under completely backlogged shortages, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 14 (2021), No. 7, pp. 2435-2453, ISSN: 1078-0947 / 1553-5231, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (SCI & SCOPUS)
- C. Padhy, P. K. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Uniqueness of Operators, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, Vol. 22 (2021), No. 2, pp. 831–840, ISSN: 1787-2405, Pub: Miskolc University Press, Hungary (SCI; SCOPUS)
- H. M. Srivastava, B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Statistical Riemann and Lebesgue integrable sequence of functions withKorovkin-type approximation theorems, AXIOMS, 10 (2021), pp. 1-16, ISSN: 2075-1680, I.F. 1.82, Pub: MDPI,Switzerland, doi: 10.3390/axioms10030229 (SCI & SCOPUS)
- B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray and H. Dutta, On various new concepts of statistical convergence for sequences of random variables via deferred Cesaro mean, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 487 (2020), pp. 1-18, 123950, ISSN: 0022-247X / 1096-0813,Elsevier (SCI; SCOPUS)
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena and S. K. Paikray, Statistical probability convergence via deferred N"{o}rlund mean and its applications to approximation theorems, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, 114 (2020), pp. 1-14 (RACSAM), 114, (2020), ISSN: 1578-7303/ 1579-1505, Springer (SCI; SCOPUS)
- A. A. Das, S. K. Paikray, T. Pradhan and H. Dutta, Statistical (C, 1)(E,_)-summability and associated fuzzy approximation theorems with statistical fuzzy rates, Soft Computing, 24,2020,pp. 10883—10892, ISSN: 1433-7479, IF- , UGC Jr. No- , Springer (SCI & SCOPUS)
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena and S. K. Paikray, Statistical deferred Nörlund summability and Korovkin-type approximation theorem, Mathematics, 8 (2020), Article ID:636, pp. 1-11, Pub: MDPI, Switzerland, ISSN: 2227-7390 (SCI; SCOPUS)
- B. A. Kumar, S. K. Paikray and U. K. Misra, Two-storage fuzzy inventory model with time dependent demand and holding cost under acceptable delay in payment, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 25 (2020), 441-460, ISSN: 1392-6292 (SCI; SCOPUS)
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena and S. K. Paikray, A certain class of statistical probability convergence and its applications to approximation theorems, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math., vol. 14 (9), 2020, pp. 579-598, ISSN: 1452-8630, IF- 1.07, UGC Jr. No- 49/135, Pub: University of Belgrade, Serbia (SCI & SCOPUS)
- B. A. Kumar, S. K. Paikray and H. Dutta, Cost optimization model for items having fuzzy demand and deterioration with two-warehouse facility under the trade credit financing, AIMS Mathematics, 5 (2), 2020, pp. 1603–1620, ISSN: 2473-6988, Pub: American Institute of Mathematical Sciences(SCI & SCOPUS)
- P. Parida, S. K. Paikray and H. Dutta, On approximation of signals in $Lip (alpha, r) $-class using the product $(overline{N}, p_{n}, q_{n})(E, s)$- summability means of conjugate Fourier series}, Nonlinear Studies, 27 (2020), 447-455, ISSN: 1359-8678/ 2153-4373, Pub: Cambridge Scientific Publishers (SCOPUS)
- C. Padhy, P. K. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Aluthge transform of operators on the Bergman space, Arab. J. Math, 9, 2020
- B. B. Jena and S. K. Paikray, Product of Deferred Cesaro deferred weighted Statistical Probability Convergence and Its Applications to Korovkin-type Theorem, Universitas Scientiarum Journal of Faculty of Sciences, Pontificia Universidad, 25 (3), 2020, 409-433, ISSN: 0122-7483 / 2027-1352;UGC: 66/111(ESCI, SCOPUS)
- P. Parida, S. K. Paikray and B. B. Jena, Statistical Tauberian theorems for Cesàro integrability mean based on post-quantum calculus, Arab. J. Math., 9, 2020, 653-663, 2020,
- B. B Jena, S. K. Paikray, P. Parida, H. Dutta,Results on Tauberian theorem for Cesàrosummable double sequences of fuzzy numbers,Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, Vol.44, 2020, pp. 495-508, ISSN: 1450-9628, IF-0.46, UGC Jr. No- 48837 (225/339),University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science(E-SCI & SCOPUS)
- M. Patro, S. K. Paikray, B. B. Jena, Absolute Index Norlund Summability of Improper Integrals, TWMS J. App. and Eng. Math., vol.10, Special Issue, 2020, pp. 2- 8, ISSN: 2146-1147, E-ISSN: 2146-1147, IF- , UGC Jr. No- 155/159, Pub:Turkic World Mathematical Soc, Azerbaijan (ESCI & SCOPUS)
- B.B. Jena, L. N. Mishra, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Approximation of Signals by General Matrix Summability with effects of Gibb’s Phenomenon applications to approximation theorems, Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat. (BSPM), Vol. 38, 2020, pp. 141–158,ISSN-2175-1188 (on line), ISSN-0037-8712, IF-0.39, UGC Jr. No- 15087 (UGC-251/339) Pub: Soc Paranaense Matematica, Brazil, (SCOPUS; ESCI)
- A.A. Das, S. K. Paikray, P.Parida, U. K. Misra, Degree of approximation in the generalized Lipschitz class via - product summability means of Fourier series of a signal belonging to - class, TWMS J. App. and Eng. Math. Vol. 10, Special Issue, 2020, pp. 53-62, ISSN: 2146-1147, E-ISSN: 2146-1147, IF- , UGC Jr. No- 155/159, Pub:Turkic World Mathematical Soc, Azerbaijan (ESCI & SCOPUS)
- P. K. Pattnaik, S. K. Paikray and B.B. Jena, GeneralisedNorlund and Norlund types means of Sequences of fuzzy numbers, EJPAM., vol. 13 (5), 2020, pp.1088-1096, ISSN: 1307-5543, IF- 1.07, UGC Jr. No-, Pub: New York Business Global, United States(ESCI & SCOPUS)
- A. A. Das, S. K. Paikray, V. N. Mishra And P. Parida, A certain class of equi-statistical convergence based on (p; q)-integers via deferred Norlund mean and related approximation theorems, Analysis in Theory and Applications, vol. 36 (2020), 1-24, ISSN: 1672-4070 / 1573-8175, IF- , UGC Jr. No- , Pub: Global Science Press, Peking University and Nanjing University (ESCI &SCOPUS)
- S. K. Paikray, P. Parida and S. A. Mohiuddine, A certain class of relative equistatistical Fuzzy approximation theorems, EJPAM., vol. 13 (5), 2020, pp. 1212-1230, ISSN: 1307-5543, IF- 1.07, UGC Jr. No-, New York Business Global, USA (ESCI & SCOPUS)
- P. Parida, S. K. Paikray, B.B. Jena, Generalized Deferred Cesaro Equi-statistical Convergence and Analogous Approximation, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 39 (2), (2020) 317-339. ISSN: 0716-0917, IF-0.70, UGC Jr. No-32021 (149/339), Pub: Universidad Catolica Del Norte, ISSN:0716-0917 / 0717-6279(SCOPUS up to 2023)
- M. Patro, S. K. Paikray, H. Dutta, Statistical Deferred Euler Summability Mean and Associated Korovokin-type Approximation Theorem, Science & Technology Asia, vol. 25, 2020, 31-37, ISSN: 2586-9000, UGC: 182/203, Pub: Pontificia Univ Javeriana, Colombia (SCOPUS)
- B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Strong Riesz summability of Fourier series, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 39 (6), (2020), 1615-1626. ISSN: 0716-0917, IF-0.70, UGC Jr. No-32021 (149/339), Pub: Universidad Catolica Del Norte, ISSN:0716-0917 / 0717-6279(SCOPUS up to 2023)
- M. Patro, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, On generalised Absolute Indexed Cesaro Summability of Improper Integrals, Applied Analysis and optimization, Vol.4 (3), 2020, pp. 291--298, ISSN: 2432-1656 / 2432- 1664, UGC Jr. No- , Yokohama Publishers (ESCI)
- B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Product of Statistical Probability Convergence and Its Applications to Korovkin-type Theorem, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 20 (2), pp. 969-984, 2019 (SCI & SCOPUS)
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena and S. K. Paikray, Deferred Cesaro statistical probability convergence and its applications to approximation theorems, J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. Vol 20 (9), 1777-1792, 2019, ISSN: 1345-4773, IF-1.07, UGC Jr. No -87/135, University of Belgrade(SCI & SCOPUS)
- Amjed Zraiqat, S. K. Paikray and H. K. Dutta, A Certain Class of Deferred Weighted Statistical B-Summability Involving (p; q)-Integers and Analogous Approximation, Filomat, 33 (5), pp. 1425-1444, 2019, ISSN: 03545180, IF- 0.78, UGC Jr. No- 29375 (124/339), University of Nis (SCI & SCOPUS)
- B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, S. A. Mohiuddine, V. N. Mishra, Relatively equi-stiaistical convergence via deferred Norlund mean based on difference operator of fractional order and related approximation theorems, AIMS Mathematics, 5 (1), 2019, pp. 650-672, ISSN: 2473-6988, Pub: American Institute of Mathematical Sciences(SCI & SCOPUS)
- H.M. Srivastava, B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, Statistically and deferred weighted summability and Korvokin-type approximation theorems, Symmetry, 11: 4 (2019), 1-20, ISSN: 1487 – 150, IF-2.38, UGC Jr. No- UGC-24/339, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)(SCI & SCOPUS)
- T. Pradhan, S. K. Paikray, B.B. jena, Hemen Dutta, On approximation of the rate of convergenceof Fourier series in the generalized Holder metric by deferred Norlund mean, Afrika Mathematika, 30, 2019, pp. 1119-1131, ISSN: 1012-9405, IF-0.66, UGC Jr. No- 153/339, Springer (ESCI & SCOPUS)
- P. Parida, S. K. Paikray, M. Dash, U. K. Misra, Degree of approximation by product -summability of Fourier series of a signal belonging to - class, TWMS (Turkic World Mathematical Society), Vol 9 (4), 2019, 901-908, ISSN: 2146-1147, E-ISSN: 2146-1147, IF- , UGC Jr. No- 155/159, Turkic World Mathematical Soc, Azerbaijan, Az 1148 (ESCI & SCOPUS)
- T. Pradhan, S. K. Paikray, A. A. Das, Hemen Dutta, On approximation of functions in the generalized Zygmund class via summability means of conjugate Fourier series, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, 38 (5), pp. 1015-1033, 2019, ISSN: 07160917, IF-0.70, UGC Jr. No-32021 (149/339), publisher Departamento De Matematicas, Universidad Catolica Del Norte (E-SCI & SCOPUS)
- L. N. Mishra, M. Patro, S. K. Paikrayand B. B. Jena, A certain class of statistical deferred weighted A-summability based on (p; q)-integers and associated approximation theorems, Applications and Applied Mathematics-an International Journal, vol. 14 (2), pp. 716-740, 2019, ISSN: 1932-9466, IF- UGC Jr. No- ,Prairie View A & M Univ, Dept Mathematics, Ms 2225, Po Box 519, Prairie View, Usa, Tx, 77446(ESCI & SCOPUS)
- H. M. Srivastava, B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, A Certain Class of Weighted Statistical Convergence and Associated Korovkin Type Approximation Theorems Involving Trigonometric Functions, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 41, 2018-2017, pp. 671-683, ISSN: 0170-4214 / 1099-1476, UGC Jr. No- 4042 (43/339), Pub: Wiley, Hoboken, USA (SCI & SCOPUS) I.F. 3.007
- B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Statistical deferred Cesarosummability and its applications to approximation theorems, Filomat, Vol. 32, 2018, pp. 2307-2319, ISSN: 0354-5180,UGC Jr. No- 29375 (124/339), IF- 0.695, University of Nis (SCI & SCOPUS)
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Generalizedequi-statistical convergence of the deferred Nörlund summability and its applications to associated approximation theorems, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas (RACSAM), Vol. 112, 2018, pp. 1487-1501, ISSN: 1578-7303/ 1579-1505, IF- 1.23, UGC Jr. No- 29375(27/91), Springer Nature (SCI & SCOPUS)
- T. Pradhan, S. K. Paikray, B. B. Jena, H. Dutta, Statistical deferred weighted B-summability and its applications to associated approximation theorems, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 65, 2018, pp. 1 – 21, ISSN- 1029-242X,UGC Jr. No- 28634 (56/135), Springer Nature (SCI & SCOPUS)
- P. Parida, S. K. Paikray, H. Dutta, B. B. Jena, M. Dash, Tauberian theorems for Cesàro summability of nth sequences, Filomat, vol. 32 (6), 2018, pp. 2307-2319,ISSN: 0354-5180,UGC Jr. No- 29375 (124/339), IF- 0.695, University of Nis (SCI & SCOPUS)
- H. M. Srivastava, B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Deferred Weighted A-Statistical convergence based upon (p, q)-Lagrange polynomials and its’ Application to Approximation Theorems, Journal of Applied Analysis, Vol. 24 (1), 2018, pp. 1-16, ISSN: 1425-6908 / 1869-6082, I.F – 0.966, UGC Jr. No- 21348 (383/460),Walter de Gruyter (ESCI & SCOPUS)
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- S.K. Padhan, S. Gadtia and B. Bhoi, FPGA based implementation for extracting the roots of real number, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 55 (2017) 2849-2854.
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- AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, N. Dash and G. C. Dash Heat and mass transfer in MHD flow of viscous fluid past a vertical plate under oscillatory suction velocity with heat source Vol.79, No.1-2 , pp.52-65, 2010 1259-5969
- S. K. Paikray, R. K. Jati, U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, A Note on -Summability, International Journal of computer and mathematical sciences, Vol-3, Issue-3, June: 2012, PP: 320-328, ISSN: 0976-5727, (UGC Approved).
- N. K. Sahu, R. N. Mohapatra, C. Nahak and S. Nanda, Approximation solvability of a class of A-monotone implicit variational inclusion problems in semi-inner product spaces, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 236 Â (2014) 109-117. ISSN: 0096-3003, Impact Factor 1.349. (SCI)
- S. Mohapatra and S.N. Bora, “Oblique water wave scattering by bottom undulation in a two-layer fluid flowing through a channel”, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 11 (3), 276–285 (2012), DOI: 10.1007/s11804-012-1133-2. [Springer publication].
- Certain subclasses of multivalent uniformly star like and convex functionsinvolving a linear operator. Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, Jagannath Patel Ashok Kumar Sahoo and N. E Cho
- Inclusion and Subordination Properties of Multivalent Analytic Functions Involving Cho-Kwon-Srivastava Operator, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, Jagannath Patel and Ashok Kumar Sahoo.
- S.K. Padhan, S. Gadtia and A.K. Pattanaik, Remarks on Heron’s cubic root iteration formula, Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat., 35 (2017) 1-8.
- P. K. Ray, Factorization of negatively subscripted balancing and Lucas-balancing numbers,Boletim da SociedadeParanaense de Matemática,31 (2), 2013, 161-173.
- AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, N. Dash and G. C. Dash Three dimensional MHD free convective flow with heat and mass transfer through a porous medium with periodic permeability Vol.80, No.1,pp. 01-17, 2011 1259-5969
- S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, Absolute Banach Summability of a factored Cojugate series, General Math. Notes, Volume -9, No: 2, Apr: 2012, PP: 19-31, ISSN: 2219-7184, (UGC Approved).
- N. K. Sahu, C. Nahak, R. N. Mohapatra and S. Nanda, Approximation solvability of a class of A-monotone variational inclusion problems in semi-inner product spaces, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems(DCDIS) Series A: Mathematical Analysis, 20 (2013) 227-240. ISSN: 1201-3390(Print)  ISSN: 1918-2538(Electronic). (SCI Expanded)
- S. Mohapatra and S.N. Bora, “Exciting forces due to a submerged sphere in an ice-covered two-layer fluid of finite depthâ€, Applied Ocean Research, 34, 187–197 (2012), DOI 10.1016/j.apor.2011.07.008 [SCI, Elsevier publication].
- On Certain Subclasses of Multivalent Analytic Functionswith Complex Order Involving a Linear Operator, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, Ashok Kumar Sahoo and Jagannath Patel.
- Namita Das and Pabitra Kumar Jena, Little Hankel Operators on the Bergman Space, Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences , 2015, Article in Press.
- A.K. Bhurjee and S.K. Padhan, Optimality conditions and duality results for non-differentiable interval optimization problems, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 50 (2016) 59-71.
- P. K. Ray, Certain matrices associated with balancing and Lucas-balancing numbers, Matematika,28 (1), 2012, 15-22.
- AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, N. Dash and G. C. Dash Hydro magnetic flow and heat-transfer through porous medium of elastico-viscous fluid over a porous plate in slip flow regime Vol.80, No.2, pp.71-87, 2011 1259-5969
- S. Misra, M. Mallick, U. K. Misra, S. K. Paikray, An EOQ Model for both ameliorating and deteriorating items under the influence of inflation and time value of money, Journal of Computations and Moddelling, Vol:1, No. 1, 2011, PP 101-113, ISSN.1792-7625.
- N. K. Sahu, C. Nahak and S. Nanda, Graph Convergence and Approximation Solvability of a Class of Implicit Variational Inclusion Problems in Banach Spaces, Journal of Indian Mathematical Society, 81 (1-2) (2014) 155-172.    ISSN: 0019-5839.
- S. Mohapatra and S.N. Bora, “Reflection and transmission of water waves in a two-layer fluid flowing through a channel with undulating bedâ€, ZAMM (Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik), 91 (1), 46 – 56 (2011), DOI 10.1002/zamm.200800216 [SCI, Wiley publication].
- On a Subclass Of p- Valent Analytic Functions Of Complex Order Involving A Linear Operator, Journal of Computational Analysis And Applications, N. E. Cho and Ashok Kumar Sahoo
- Namita Das and Pabitra Kumar Jena, On the range and kernel of Toeplitz and little Hankel operators, Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, Vol. 19, no. 1, 2013, 55-67.
- S.K. Padhan and C. Nahak, Higher-order symmetric duality with higher-order generalized invexity, J. Appl. Math. Comput. 36 (2015) 1334-1341.
- P. K. Ray, Curious Congruences for Balancing Numbers, International Journal of Mathematicsand Mathematical Sciences, 7 (18), 2012, 881-889.
- AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, S. N. Sahoo and G. C. Dash Unsteady two dimensional MHD flow and heat transfer of an elastico-viscous liquid past an infinite hot vertical porous surface bounded by porous medium with source/sink Vol.80, No.2 , pp.26-42, 2011 1259-5969
- S. Misra, S. Barik, U. K. Misra, S. K. Paikray, A Deterministic Inventory Model for Items with Three Storage Facilties, International Journal of computer and mathematical sciences, Vol.-2(1), 111-116(2011), ISSN 0976-5727, (UGC Approved).
- N. K. Sahu, C. Nahak and S. Nanda, Numerical Range of Two Operators in Semi-inner Product Spaces, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012, Article ID 846396, 13 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/846396. ISSN: 1085-3375 (Print) ISSN: 1687-0409 (Electronic)  SCI Expanded
- S. Mohapatra and S.N. Bora, “Water wave radiation by a submerged sphere in a two-layer fluid of finite depth with an ice-cover”, Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics, 2 (1), 46–63 (2010), DOI: 10.5373/jaram.241.102009 [Published by Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Irvine, California].
- Certain Subclass of Meromerphic Multivalent Functions, Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, L. Parida, N. E. Cho and Ashok Kumar Sahoo.
- Namita Das and Pabitra Kumar Jena, Schatten class operators on weighted Bergman spaces, Thai Journal of Mathematics, Volume 10 (2012) Number 2 : 289 - 303.
- S.K. Padhan and C. Nahak, Higher-order generalized invexity in variational problems, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 36 (11) (2013) 1334-1341. I.F. 1.017
- P. K. Ray, Application of Chybeshev polynomials in factorization of balancing and Lucas-balancingnumbers, Boletim da SociedadeParanaense de Matemática, 30 (2), 2012, 49-56.
- Journal of Energy Heat and Mass Transfer J.P. Panda, S. N. Sahoo and G. C. Dash MHD convective boundary layer flow and heat transfer past a stretching porous wall embedded in a porous medium Vol. 33, PP. 131-142,2011 0970-9991
- S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, Absolute Banach Summability of a factored Fourier series, International Journal of research and Review in applied sciences(IJRRS), vol. 7 (3), June 2011, pp-266-276.ISSN 2076-334.
- N. K. Sahu, C. Nahak and S. Nanda, The Extended F-implicit Complementarity and Variational Inequality Problems in Semi-inner Product Spaces, Acta Universitatis Apulensis, 35 (2013) 111-123. ISSN: 1582-5329.
- S. Mohapatra and S.N. Bora, “Scattering of internal waves in a two-layer fluid flowing through a channel with small undulationsâ€, Ocean Dynamics, 59, 615–625 (2009), DOI 10.1007/s10236-009-0214-5 [SCI, Springer publication].
- Second Hankel Determinant for a New Subclasses of Analytic Functions Involving a Linear Operator, Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, L. Parida, T. Bulboaca and Ashok Kumar Sahoo.
- Namita Das and Pabitra Kumar Jena , Hankel operators with vector valued symbols on the Hardy space, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, Volume(38) (1) (2010), 45-54.
- S.K. Padhan and C. Nahak, Second and higher order generalized invexity and duality in mathematical programming, Int. J. Math. Oper. Res. 5(2) (2013), 170-182.
- G. K. Panda and P. K. Ray, Some links of balancing and cobalancing numbers with Pell and associated Pell numbers, Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica (New Series),6(1), 2011, 41-72.
- Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, Russia (Springer ) J.P. Panda, N. Dash and G. C. DashHeat and mass transfer on MFD flow through porous media over an accelerating surface in presence of suction and blowing Vol.21(2) pp119-130, 20121990-5432
- S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, Triangular Matrix Summability of a Series, African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research, Vol. 4 (4), pp. 164-169, April, 2011, ISSN 2006-9731.
- N. K. Sahu, Implicit variational inclusions and algorithms involving (A,η)-monotone operators in 2-uniformly smooth Banach spaces, Journal of Mathematics and System Science, 5 (2015) 214-223.     ISSN: 2159-5291.
- S. Mohapatra and S.N. Bora, “Propagation of oblique waves over small bottom undulation in an ice-covered two-layer fluidâ€, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 103 (5), 347–374 (2009), DOI: 10.1080/03091920903071077 [SCI, Taylor &Francis publication].
- Coefficient estimates of certain subclasses of analyticfunctions associated with Hohlov operator, Asian Europian journal of Mathematics, P.Gochhayat, A. Prajapati and Ashok Kumar Sahoo
- Namita Das and Pabitra Kumar Jena , Asymptotic Properties of Composition operators on the Bergman space, New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, Volume 39(2009, 215-239.
- S.K. Padhan, C. Nahak and R.N. Mohapatra, Second and higher order duality in Banach space under invexity, Nonlinear Anal. Hybrid Syst., 5 (2011), 457-466. I.F. 3.963
- G. K. Panda and P. K. Ray , Cobalancing numbers and Cobalancers, International Journal ofMathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2005(8), 2005, 1189-1200.
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. A Phys. Sci.(Springer) J.P. Panda, S.N Sahoo and G. C. Dash The MHD mixed convection stagnation point flow and heat transfer in a porous medium vol.83(4), pp. 371-381, Oct. 2013 2250-1762
- S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, Product Summability of an Infinite Series, International Journal of computer and mathematical sciences, Vol-1, (7),853-863, 2010, ISSN. 0976-5727., (UGC Approved).
- N. K. Sahu, R. N. Mohapatra, C. Nahak and N. K. Mahato, A new class of generalized monotone mappings and variational inclusion problems in Banach spaces, DCDIS: Mathematical Analysis, 23 (2016) 447-463.
- S. Mohapatra and S.N. Bora, “Water wave interaction with a sphere in a two-layer fluid flowing through a channel of finite depthâ€, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 79, 725-740 (2009), DOI 10.1007/s00419-008-0248-z [SCI, Springer publication].
National Publications
- Unsteady MHD flow analysis of a third-grade fluid between two porous plates (I Nayak & S Padhy) j- Journal of Orissa Mathematical Society, Vol.31(1), pg-83-96, ISSN No.0975-2323(2012)
- S. K Patra, SK Paikray, B. Anil Kumar, A Retailer’s Deteriorating Inventory Model with Amelioration and Permissible Backlogging Under Power Pattern Demand, Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, 2024, pp. 1-23, Doi: (In Press; May 2024,ISSN: 2364-9569; Pub: Springer India, I.F-0.8 (SCOPUS, ESCI)
- A. A. Das, S. K. Paikray,T. Pradhan and H. K. Dutta, Approximation of signals in the weighted Zygmundclass via Euler-Hausdorff product summability mean ofFourier series, Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, vol. 87 (1-2), pp. 22-36, 2020, ISSN- 0019-5839, IF- 0.13UGC Jr. No- 317/430, (SCOPUS)
- B.B. Jena, S. K. Paikray, U. K. Misra, Approximation of periodic functions via statistical B-summability and its applications to approximation theorems, Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 10 (2019), 71-86, ISSN: 0973-4317, Indian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICI)
- T. Pradhan, S. K. Paikray,U. K. Misra,Onapproximation of signals in the generalisedZygmund class via summability means of Fourier series, Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 10 (2019), 152-164, ISSN: 0973-4317, Indian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICI)
- S. K. Paikray, B. Majhi, P. N. Samanta,U. K. Misra, On double Absolute Factorable Matrix Summability, Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics, Indore. Vol. 39, No.2 (2017), p.p. 175-202, ISSN 0970-5120, (UGC Approved), UGC Jr. No- 28597.
- S. Misra, U. K. Misra, S. Barik, S. K. Paikray, Optimal control of an inventory system for weibull ameliorating, deteriorating items under the influence of inflation, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Vol: 30-E (Math and Stat) Issue (1), 2011, PP-85-94, ISSN: 0970-4639, (UGC Approved), UGC Jr. No. 9850, IF: 0.011.
- U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, S. K. Paikray, A Note on
-Summability, Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics, Indore. Vol.30, No.2 (2008), p.481-487, ISSN 0970-5120, (UGC Approved), UGC Jr. No- 28597.
- Applied Science Periodical, India
J.P. Panda, S.S.Das and G.C.Dash Unsteady free convection MHD flow and mass transfer in a rotating porous medium Vol. VI, No.3,pp.165-178,2004 - Namita Das and Pabitra Kumar Jena, Hankel operators on the Bergman space for the disk, Journal of Orissa Mathematical Society ,Volume 29, No. 1 and 2(2010), 17-25.
- G.K. Panda and P. K. Ray, Some important properties of balancing and related number sequences,Journal of the Orissa Mathematical Society, 29(2) (2010), 27-38.
- U. K. Misra, N. C. Sahoo, S. K. Paikray, Summability of a series by
Metho, Indian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Science, Vol.3, No.2, (December, 2007), p.117-126, ISSN 0973-3329, (UGC Approved).
- S.K. Padhan and C. Nahak, Symmetric duality with generalized invexity in variational problems, Journal of Orissa Mathematical Society, 27 (2008), 81-86.
- A. Chakrabarti and S. Mohapatra, “Algebraic approaches to series expansion methods of functions with application in water wave problemsâ€, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc., 104 (6), 491–508 (2012).