ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Saroj Kumar Padhan

Assistant Professor

Qualification : Graduation (Sambalpur University), Post Graduation (Sambalpur University), M.Phil. (Sambalpur University), Ph.D (IIT Kharagpur)

Specialization : Optimization, Functional Analysis, Fractional Calculus

Graduation (Sambalpur University), Post Graduation (Sambalpur University), M.Phil. (Sambalpur University), Ph.D (IIT Kharagpur)

Optimization, Functional Analysis, Fractional Calculus

Astt. Prof. at Registrar VSSUT, Burla : 11/08/2011 - till date Lecturer at Principal, Larambha College, Bragarh : 11/10/2004 - 12/04/2007

Graduate Level : Linear Algebra, Operations Research, Ordinary Differential Equation, Numerical Analysis
Post Graduate Level : Complex Analysis, Linear Programming, Numerical Analysis, Algebra, Multi-objective Optimization

Optimization, Functional Analysis and Fractional Calculus.

Ph. D. Candidates : 01, Thesis Submitted: 02, Ongoing:05
M. Tech. Candidates : 06
1. The Indian Science Congress Association, Life Member
2. Indian Mathematical Society, Life Member
3. Working group on generalized convexity, Life Member

International Publications

  1. G. Biswal, N. Behera, R.N. Mohapatra and S.K. Padhan, A pair of Mond–Weir type third order symmetric duality, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 69 (2023) 3391-3402.
  2. 2022
  3. A. Patnaik, S.K. Padhan and R.N. Mohapatra, Sufficient conditions for extremum of fractional variational problems, RAIRO - Operations Research, 56 (2022) 637-648.
  4. S. Gadtia and S.K. Padhan, A note on machine method for root extraction, Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, 40 , (2022) 1-6.
  5. 2021
  6. G. Biswal, N. Behera, S.K. Padhan and R.N. Mohapatra, Third order symmetric duality in variational problems, Pan-American Mathematical Journal, 4 , (2021) 19-30.
  7. P.K. Behera, S.K. Padhan and C. Nahak, Duality of control problems in general Banach spaces, International Journal of Operational Research, 42 , (2021) 358-370.
  8. 2020
  9. S. Gadtia, S.K. Padhan and B. Bhoi, Square root formulae in the ?ulbas?tras and Bakhshãl? manuscript, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 20 , (2020) 1-10.
  10. J. Dasmahapatra and S.K. Padhan, Second order duality for mathematical programming involving n-set functions, Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat., 37 (2019) 37-54.
  11. G. V. V. Jagannadha Rao, S. K. Padhan and M. Postolache, Application of Fixed Point Results on Rational F-Contraction Mappings to Solve Boundary Value Problems, Symmetry 11 (2019) 1-20.
  12. S.K. Padhan, Duality of variational problems with a new approach, RAIRO- Oper. Res., 52 (2018) 79-93. I.F. 0.55
  13. S.K. Padhan and C. Nahak, Third order duality in nonlinear programming problems, 4OR. A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 15 (2017)93-105. I.F. 1.6
  14. S. K. Padhan, G.V.V. Jagannadha Rao, Hemant Kumar Nashine and R. P. Agarwal, Some fixed point results for (β-ψ_1-ψ_2)-contractive conditions in ordered b-metric- like spaces, Filomat, 31(14) (2017), 4587-4612. I.F. 0.69
  15. S.K. Padhan and C. Nahak, Higher-order symmetric duality in multiobjective Programming problems under higher-order invexity, Appl. Math. Comput., 5 (2011) 1705-1712. I.F. 1.738
  16. S.K. Padhan and C. Nahak, Second order duality for the variational problems under invexity, Comput. Math. Appl., 60 (2010) 3072-3081. I.F. 1.531
  17. J. Dasmahapatra and S.K. Padhan, Second order duality for mathematical programming involving n-set functions, Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat., 37 (2019) 37- 54
  18. P.K. Behera, S.K. Padhan and R.N. Mohapatra, On variational control problems in Banach Spaces, Panamer. Math. J., 28 (2018) 1-18.
  19. S.K. Padhan, S. Gadtia and B. Bhoi, FPGA based implementation for extracting the roots of real number, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 55 (2017) 2849-2854.
  20. S.K. Padhan, S. Gadtia and A.K. Pattanaik, Remarks on Heron’s cubic root iteration formula, Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat., 35 (2017) 1-8.
  21. A.K. Bhurjee and S.K. Padhan, Optimality conditions and duality results for non-differentiable interval optimization problems, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 50 (2016) 59-71.
  22. S.K. Padhan and C. Nahak, Higher-order symmetric duality with higher-order generalized invexity, J. Appl. Math. Comput. 36 (2015) 1334-1341.
  23. S.K. Padhan and C. Nahak, Higher-order generalized invexity in variational problems, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 36 (11) (2013) 1334-1341. I.F. 1.017
  24. S.K. Padhan and C. Nahak, Second and higher order generalized invexity and duality in mathematical programming, Int. J. Math. Oper. Res. 5(2) (2013), 170-182.
  25. S.K. Padhan, C. Nahak and R.N. Mohapatra, Second and higher order duality in Banach space under invexity, Nonlinear Anal. Hybrid Syst., 5 (2011), 457-466. I.F. 3.963

National Publications

  1. S.K. Padhan and C. Nahak, Symmetric duality with generalized invexity in variational problems, Journal of Orissa Mathematical Society, 27 (2008), 81-86.

International Conferences

  1. S.K. Padhanand G.V.V.J. Rao, Fixed point results of rational F-contractions in b- metric-like spaces, TOPAS, 16th – 17th December, 2017, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West-Bengal, India.
  2. S.K. Padhan, S, Gadtia and R.N. Mohapatra, A study on Heron’s cubic root iteration formula, International Conference of the Indian Mathematics Consortium (TIMC) in cooperation with American Mathematical Societry (AMS), 14th-17th December, 2016, Banarus Hindu University Varanasi, India.
  3. S.K. Padhan, P.K. Behera and R.N. Mohapatra, Second order symmetric duality and variationalproblems, International Conference on Mathematics and Computing (ICMC- 2015), Haldia Institute of Technology, India.
  4. S.K. Padhan, S. Gadtia, Extraction of roots of real numbers: A survey with some new results, International Conference on History and Development of Mathematics (ICHDM-2014), SavitribaiPhule Pune University, Pune, India.
  5. S.K. Padhan, P.K. Behera and C. Nahak, Second order symmetric duality for the variationalproblems, 4th Annual Conference of OMS and International Conference on Industrial Mathematicsand Scientific Computing (ICIMSC-2014), KIIT, Bhubaneswar, India.
  6. S.K. Padhan, C. Nahak and D. K. Behera, Mangasarian second and higher order duality inBanach space, International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamic Systems (ACODS-2012), IISc. Bangalore, India.
  7. S. K. Padhan and C. Nahak, KT- generalized invex and FJ- generalized invex control problem, International Conference on Challenges and Applications of Mathematics in Science and Technology (CAMIST-2010), National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India.
  8. S. K. Padhan and C. Nahak, Second-order duality for the invex composite function, International Conference on Operations Research Applications in Engineering and Management (ICOREM- 2009), Anna University, Tiruchirappalli, India.
  1. S.K. Padhan, C. Nahak, Second-Order Symmetric Duality with Generalized Invexity, Topics in Nonconvex Optimization, (2011) 205-214.
  2. S.K. Padhan, P.K. Behera and R.N. Mohapatra, Second-order Symmetric Duality and Variational Problem, Mathematics and Computing, (2015) 49-57.
Public Information Officer RTI Act.-2005, Assistant Warden of Marichi Hall of Residence , Assistant Controller of Examination, Academic Co-ordinator of Vice-Chancellor, Warden Atri Hall of Residence. Nodal Officer (Scholarship),

Other Distinction Members of different academic committees

Invited Talks

  1. Delivered an invited talk on “A New Approach of Duality in Nonlinear Programming” in the special session, SS 21A-AMS special session on “Dirac Equations, Variational Inequalities, Sequence Spaces and Optimization” at the sectional meeting of the American Mathematical Society, 23rd–24th September, 2017, University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA.
  2. Delivered an invited talk on “Iteration Methods for Finding Roots of a Number” in the Model National Seminar on “exploration of inroads to good mathematics”, 29th January & 5th February, 2017, organized by Gossner College, Ranchi with the support of Jharkhand Society of Mathematical Analysis, Ranchi, India.
  3. Delivered a popular lecture on 25th November, 2016 at Silicon Institute of Technology, Sambalpur, Odisha, India.
  4. Delivered an invited talk on “Optimization in Banach Spaces” in two days “National Seminar on Advances in Mathematical Analysis and its Applications”, 19th-20th December, 2014, organized by department of Mathematics National Institute of Science and technology, Berhampur, Odisha, India.
  5. Delivered an invited talk on “Second and higher order generalized invexity and duality in Mathematical programming”, a mini Conference on Function Theory and Applications, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India, 2010.
Present Address : 
Qr No.-F-19/9 VSSUT Colony Burla, Sambalpur Odisha-768018
  Permanent Address : 
At. Ainlapali (Rangatikara) PO: Ainlapali, Via: Bheden, Dist: Bargarh, Odisha-768104