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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Itishree Nayak

Assistant Professor

Qualification : Graduation-R.D.women's college, Utkal university 1995-1998 Post graduation- Utkal University, Vani-Vihar 1998-2000 M.phil -Utkal University ,Vani-Vihar. 2000-2001 Ph.D-Utkal University.

Specialization : Fluid Dynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Numerical Analysis, numerical solution of partial differential equation

Graduation-R.D.women's college, Utkal university 1995-1998 Post graduation- Utkal University, Vani-Vihar 1998-2000 M.phil -Utkal University ,Vani-Vihar. 2000-2001 Ph.D-Utkal University.

Fluid Dynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Numerical Analysis, numerical solution of partial differential equation

18 Years Teaching and 13 Years research experience

Graduate Level : ODE, PDE, Numerical Analysis, Vector calculus, Laplace Transform.
Post Graduate Level : Linear Algebra, Mathematical Methods,Numerical Analysis, Fluid Dynamics

Computational Fluid Dynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Numerical Analysis, Finite difference method

Ph. D. Candidates : Ph.D. guidance: Sukanya Padhi (Awarded) Ashirbad Kumar Rath (Ongoing)
M. Tech. Candidates : M.Phil. guidance-03, M.Sc.- 17
  1. First class first at Graduation level at Utkal University
  2. 1st class 1st in Graduation from Utkal University
1. The Indian Science Congress Association (L39763), 2. Odisha Mathematical Society (LMOMS2019817)

International Publications

  1. Prediction of flow and thermal criticality of unsteady EMHD second grade fluid through exponentially accelerated vertical porous plate (S. Padhi and I. Nayak), The European Physical Journal Plus, (Springer)
  2. Numerical investigation of unsteady flow and heat transfer of a free convective second grade fluid passing through exponentially accelerated vertical porous plate, (A.K. Rath, I. Nayak, S. Padhi), Multidisciplinary journal of Engineering sciences (MJES)
  3. Variable Viscosity effects on unsteady MHD reactive third grade fluid with symmetric convective cooling within porous Couette device (S. Padhi and I. Nayak), Int. J. of Ambient energy, Taylor and Francies
  4. 2022
  5. 1Unsteady EMHD free convective second grade fluid flow past an exponentially accelerated vertical porous plate (S. Padhi & I. Nayak), Numerical Heat Transfer, part B: Fundamentals, Taylor and Francis group, 1-18, ISSN No. 1521-0626
  6. 2021
  7. Numerical study of unsteady MHD second grade fluid flow and heat transfer within porous channel (S. Padhi & I. Nayak), J-Int. Journal of applied and computational mathematics, Vol 7(6), pg-1-20, ISSN No.2349-5103
  8. Finite Difference analysis of unsteady heat and flow of an incompressible third grade fluid (I Nayak) J- Punjab University j. of Mathematics, Vol.-53(5), pg.-307-318, ISSN No.-1016-2526(2021)
  9. 2020
  10. Analysis of Electro-MHD of third grade fluid flow through porous channel (S padhi& I Nayak) J- European J of pure and applied mathematics, Vol.13(5), pg.-1270-1284, ISSN No.-1307-5543(2020)
  11. 2019
  12. Numerical study of MHD flow and heat transfer of an unsteady third grade fluid with viscous dissipation (I Nayak) J.-IAENG Int. j. of applied mathematics, Vol.-49(2), pg.-245-252, ISSN No.-1992-9986(2019).
  13. 2018
  14. Unsteady MHD flow and heat transfer of third grade fluid with variable viscocity between two porous plates (I nayak A.K.Nayak S Padhy)J- Int. J. of mathematics treands and technology, Vol. 54(2)pg.-146-155, ISSN No.-2231-5373(2018)
  15. Finite element solution for unsteady flow of a third grade fluid between two plates (I nayak A.K.Nayak S Padhy)J.- Int. J. of advanced mechanical engineering, Vol.-8(1), pg.-87-99, ISSN No.-2250-3234(2018).
  16. 2016
  17. Implicit finite difference solution for the magnetohydrodynamics unsteady free convective flow and heat transfer of a third grade fluid past porous vertical plates (I nayak A.K.Nayak S Padhy)J- Int. J. mathematical modelling and numerical optimization (Inder science),Vol.7(1),pg.-4-18, ISSN No.-2040-3615(2016)
  18. 2012
  19. Numerical solution for the flow and heat transfer of a third grade fluid past a porous vertical plate (I nayak A.K.Nayak S Padhy) J- Adv. Studies theo.Phy. Vol.6(no13), pg-615-624, ISSN No-1313-1311(2012)
  20. Unsteady MHD flow analysis of a third-grade fluid between two porous plates (I Nayak & S Padhy) j- Journal of Orissa Mathematical Society, Vol.31(1), pg-83-96, ISSN No.0975-2323(2012)

National Publications

  1. Unsteady MHD flow analysis of a third-grade fluid between two porous plates (I Nayak & S Padhy) j- Journal of Orissa Mathematical Society, Vol.31(1), pg-83-96, ISSN No.0975-2323(2012)

International Conferences

  1. Finite difference analysis of heat and mass transfer of an unsteady MHD fluid over permeable porous media (A.K. Rath and I. Nayak), The 16th International conference MSAST 2022, Dec 21-22, India, ISBN 976-81-925832-8-0, Pg. 252-253
  1. Computational Analysis of unsteady MHD flow of third grade fluid between two infinitely long porous plates (S Padhi& I Nayak) J-Lecturer notes on mechanical Engineering, Advances in fluid dynamics, pg.-305-314, ISSN No.-2195-4356.
  2. Analysis and computation of reactive second grade fluid flow with variable viscosity within porous channel, (S Padhi& I Nayak), Vol.-1356, pg.-137-153, ISSN No.-2194-5357.
1. 1st One week International Workshop On Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computing (IWRTMC-2023) 2. ICAMC-2020 3. International Workshop of Recent Trends in Mathematics and application-2016 (IWRTMA-2016)
Timetable in charge of Department in 2016 & 2020-21 DRC member.
Present Address : 
Department of Mathematics, VSSUT, Burla. Odisha-768018
  Permanent Address : 
Plot no-2934, GouriNagar, Old Town, Bhubaneswar