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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Prof. Jayaprakash Panda


Qualification : M.Sc., Ph.D.

Specialization : Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Analysis

M.Sc., Ph.D.

Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Analysis

25 Years of Teaching and 21 Years of Research experience

Graduate Level : ODE, PDE, DMS, Probability, Vector calculus, Matrices, Laplace Transform, Numerical methods, Complex variable, Fourier series, Power series.
Post Graduate Level : Linear algebra, Mathematical Methods, Optimization Engineering, Mathematical Modelling , Differential Equation, Applied Fluid Dynamics, Data Science & Doctoral level : Research Methodology

Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Analysis

Ph. D. Candidates : 09 Nos
M. Tech. Candidates : 02,
M.Phil guidance-03,
M.Sc.- 42
Life Members of ISTE and OMS

International Publications

  1. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, S. S. Das and G. C. Dash Unsteady free convective flow and mass transfer of a rotating elastico-viscous liquid through porous media past a vertical porous plate Vol.72,No.3,pp.47-59, 2003 1259-5969
  2. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, S. S. Das and G. C. Dash Laminar flow of elastico-viscous liquids through porous parallel stretching plates of different permeability Vol.73, No.5, pp.15-34, 2004 1259-5969
  3. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, S. S. Das and G. C. Dash Finite difference analysis of hydromagnetic flow and heat transfer of an elastico-viscous fluid between two horizontal parallel porous plates Vol.73, No.2, pp.31-44, 2004 1259-5969
  4. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, S. S. Das and G. C. Dash Free convection  flow and Mass transfer of an elastico-viscous fluid  past an infinite vertical porous plate in a rotating  porous medium Vol.73, No.1,pp.37-51, 2004 1259-5969
  5. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B   S. S. Das , S.K Sahoo,.and J.P. Panda Unsteady free convection MHD flow of a second order fluid between two heated vertical plates through a porous medium with mass transfer and internal heat generation Vol.74, No.7,pp.41-62, 2005 1259-5969
  6. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, A B Pattnaik and A.Acharya Free convection of conducting viscous fluid between two vertical walls filled with  porous material Vol.75, No. 3,pp. 31-44, 2006 1259-5969
  7. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, S. S. Das and A.B. Pattnaik Hydromagnetic unsteady free convective flow and mass transfer of an elastlco-viscous fluid past an infinite vertical porous plate in a rotating porous medium Vol.75, No. 3,pp. 57-71, 2006 1259-5969
  8. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B S. S. Das , S.K Sahoo, G. C. Dash and J.P. Panda Free convective and mass transfer flow of a viscous incompressible fluid through a porous medium in the presence of source/sink with constant suction and heat flow  Vol.75, No. 1,pp. 01-20, 2006 1259-5969
  9. Journal of Energy Heat  and mass transfer J.P. Panda, S. S. Das and M. Mitra Unsteady free convective MHD flow and heat transfer of a  second order fluid  between two   heated vertical  plates through a porous medium Vol. 29, pp.137-151, 2007 0970-9991
  10. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, S.S. Das,A.B. Pattnaik and A.Satpathy Effect of induced magnetic field on MHD flow and heat transfer in a conducting elastico- viscous fluid past a continuously moving porous flat surface Vol.76, No.5, pp.81-92, 2007 1259-5969
  11. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P.Panda, M.Panda and G.C. Dash Unsteady MHD  flow of visco-elastic Maxwell fluid through rectangular porous tube Vol.77, No. 1 , pp.54-69,2008 1259-5969
  12. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P.Panda, M.Panda and G.C. Dash Unsteady free convection  MHD flow and mass transfer of a  second order fluid  between two heated plates   with source/sink Vol.77, No. 5 , pp.28-43,2008 1259-5969
  13. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P.Panda, M.Panda and G.C. Dash Transient  mixed  radiative convection MHD flow through porous media  of a  Micropolar fluid Vol.77, No.3 , pp.52-66,2008 1259-5969
  14. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, S. S. Das M.Mitra and J.K.Das Mass transfer effects of unsteady free convective MHD flow of a rotating elastico-viscous fluid past an infinite vertical porous plate with constant suction and fluctuating temperature Vol.77, No.3 , pp.01-18, 2008 1259-5969
  15. Journal of Naval Architecture  and Marine Engg J.P. Panda and S.S.Das Hydromagnetic three dimensional Couette flow  and heat transfer Vol. 5, No.1, pp.01-10,  2008 1813-8235
  16. Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics J.P. Panda, S. S. Das S.K.Mohanty and S.Mishra, Effect of heat source and variable magnetic field on unsteady hydromagnetic flow of a viscous stratified fluid past a porous flat moving plate in the slip flow regime Vol. 4, No.2, pp.187-203,  2008 0973-4686
  17. International Journal of heat and mass transfer,USA S.S.Das, A. Satpathy, J.K.Das and J.P. Panda Mass transfer effect of MHD flow and heat transfer past a vertical porous plate through a porous medium under oscillating suction and heat source Vol.52,  pp. 5962-5969, 2009 0017-9310
  18. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, S. S. Das and S.R. Biswal Magnetohydrodynamic  steady free convective flow and mass transfer in a rotating elastico-viscous fluid past an infinite vertical porous flat plate with constant suction Vol.78, No.2 , pp.01-19, 2009 1259-5969
  19. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda and S. S. Das MHD  free convection flow of a particulate suspension past an infinite  porous inclined flat plate with heat absorption Vol.78, No.3 , pp.20-31, 2009 1259-5969
  20. Indian J. of Science and Technology J.P. Panda, S.N.Sahoo and G. C. Dash Hydromagnetic  oscillatory flow and heat transfer of a viscous liquid past a vertical  porous plate in a rotating  medium Vol.3,N0.7,pp.817-821, 2010 0974-6846
  21. JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer S.S.Das, M.Maity and J.P. Panda Hydromagnetic free convective mass transfer flow along a vertical porous plate embedded in a porous medium with suction and periodic variation of plate temperature Vol.4 (2) , pp. 171-187, 2010 0973-5763
  22. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, N. Dash and G. C. Dash Heat and mass transfer in MHD flow of viscous fluid past a vertical plate under oscillatory suction velocity with heat source Vol.79, No.1-2 , pp.52-65, 2010 1259-5969
  23. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, N. Dash and G. C. Dash Three dimensional MHD free convective flow with heat and mass transfer through a porous medium with periodic permeability Vol.80, No.1,pp. 01-17, 2011 1259-5969
  24. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, N. Dash and G. C. Dash Hydro magnetic flow and heat-transfer through porous medium of elastico-viscous fluid over a porous plate in slip flow regime Vol.80, No.2, pp.71-87, 2011 1259-5969
  25. AMSE France, Modelling, Measurement and Control,B J.P. Panda, S. N. Sahoo and G. C. Dash Unsteady two dimensional MHD flow and heat transfer of an elastico-viscous liquid past an infinite hot vertical porous surface bounded by porous medium with source/sink Vol.80, No.2 , pp.26-42, 2011 1259-5969
  26. Journal of Energy Heat and Mass Transfer J.P. Panda, S. N. Sahoo and G. C. Dash MHD convective boundary layer flow and  heat transfer past a stretching porous wall embedded in a porous medium     Vol. 33, PP. 131-142,2011 0970-9991
  27. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, Russia (Springer ) J.P. Panda, N. Dash and G. C. DashHeat and mass transfer on MFD  flow through porous media over an accelerating surface in presence of suction and blowing Vol.21(2) pp119-130, 20121990-5432
  28. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. A Phys. Sci.(Springer) J.P. Panda, S.N Sahoo and G. C. Dash The MHD mixed convection stagnation point  flow and  heat transfer in a porous medium vol.83(4), pp. 371-381, Oct. 2013 2250-1762

National Publications

  1. Applied Science Periodical, India
    J.P. Panda, S.S.Das and G.C.Dash Unsteady free convection MHD flow and mass transfer in a rotating porous medium Vol. VI, No.3,pp.165-178,2004
  1. Engineering Mathematics-II, SBG Publisher
Organized One International workshop as Convenor, “International workshop on Recent Trends in Mathematics and applications”held in 01-02 Aug 2016.sponsored by TEQIP-II, VSSUT,Burla Also organized one International conference as Co-Convenor, “International Conference on Advances in Mathematics and Computing”held in 07-08 Feb 2020.sponsored by TEQIP-III
Dean School of Humanities & Basic Science VSSUT, Burla from 20.10.2022 to 30.06.2024 Dean SRIC, VSSUT, Burla from 18.6.2020 to 19.10.2022 HOD Mathematics VSSUT, Burla from 09.4.2016 to 30.4.2019 Member of Academic Council of VSSUT, Member of Board of studies of BPUT and GM University Member of Board of studies, DRC and DAC, Conducting Board of Mathematics Department, VSSUT

Any other Distinction

Member of Editorial Board of International Journal of Dynamics of Fluids


Reviewer of Waves in Random and Complex Media


Reviewer of  Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, U.K.


Reviewer of  Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier


Reviewer of  Int. Journal of Dynamics and Control, Springer


Reviewer of  Journal of Sound and Vibration, Elsevier


Reviewer of  Walailak Journal of Science and Technology


Reviewer  of  Modelling, Measurement and control, FRANCE


Reviewer of  Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engg.


Reviewer of Symmetry

Reviewer of Appplied Sciences

Present Address : 
Department of Mathematics, VSSUT, Burla. Odisha-768018
  Permanent Address : 
Rajan Nagar, Dhenkanal -759001